"american health marketplace" / "health enrollment centre" - "AMBETTER" policy

So what exactly should I put down in all 3 boxes? @scamterminator2021

  1. I demand a permanent STOP to all robocalls and other illegal telemarketing practices impacting the US public, most of whom has not given this business prior written consent to be called.

  2. I demand to see what they would be doing to ensure all robocalls stop immediately. They must have a plan in place to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations.

No idea for idea 3. Just do two.

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ChatGPT coming in clutch with extra ideas. Planning to go with 3/4.

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Looks very good!

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I wonder if these guys are the same people I posted about a couple of days ago going by the name National Enrollment Agency and getting really weird when asking them national enrollment center for whom. They were all Americans and call me all the time “just to be annoying” was what various agents said to me. I’ll link my original post. Scummy american scam call center


Well, I shared a listing of several great law firms specializing in handling robocalls and illegal telemarketers. You can give them a try to see if you can hold this scum accountable.

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Thank you scamterminator for the suggestions I’ll keep that in mind. I do have to warn people about Milberg law firm though. They have several partners that were busted for fraud a while back from what I remember and I’ve had some sketch company called Media Merchants Group call me on their behalf about Camp Lejeune. Also their number on their website was out of service until I notified the secretary about how suspicious it looked to me that it wasn’t working. I sniffed around asking if they had a campaign about Camp Lejeune with Media Merchants and she did call me back to confirm. Shortly after however those numbers from Media Merchant Group that called me several times suddenly stopped working. Maybe it had something to do with what I said to them but either way I would take caution when dealing with them. I’ve been keeping my eye on them to see if they really are trying to put all that fraudulent behavior behind them & chance their ways but time will tell. I’ve also been contacted by Krause & Kinsman for the exact same thing. I’m glad I scared away their intake teams they are absolutely a crap law firm. To clarify, Milberg used to be fraudulent but may be able to redeem themselves over time. Take care if dealing with them. Krause & Kinsman avoid like the plague.


You have no idea how true that statement actually is
This the same Krause & Kinsman low life scum shitbags who themselves break the law and send out millions of robocalls every day, using many thousands of Sinch Voice-NSR-10X/1 (Onvoy/TextNow/Inteliquent) numbers
They are ambulance chasers who will deceive any gullible twit into using their bullshit services, with claims of windfalls for everyone, pretty much no matter what.


From there I set my search capabilities to work and found them on 2503 numbers (currently) until I’m able to search for more. I will attest to them having more than 3000 numbers at a bare minimum.

Putting it plainly, this is a complete con job, the whole lot of it, designed to relieve you of the majority of any compensation amount they’re able to get.
You will have to supply recorded and timestamped evidence for every one of these get rich quick payment claims against robocallers. Simply stating on a form that you got 500 gazillion robocalls so pay me millions of dollars isn’t going to cut it when facts matter in the end. Proof of damage will be required.

There’s no-one who hates robocallers than me. I have the ability to trace them down on so many tens of thousands of numbers in databases for all sorts of idiotic scams, ranging from Medicare, ERC employee retention payments, timeshares, business loans, student loans forgiveness, tax forgiveness. The list of completely made up fantasy nonsense is endless. All of these pricks don’t just have a couple of numbers, they have hundreds and sometimes thousands each, usually always across multiple area codes and toll free prefixes.

Fraud artists love imbeciles in governments everywhere, to open their mouths about totally rubbish causes, or their “current thing” narrative, none of which are valid and most people see through it for the lies it all is. Scammers jump on these usually false schemes, claims or statements, to con the truly gullible believers of these narratives and causes.
Scammers are constantly on the lookout for fake government schemes and notions that all debts are forgiven, the government will pay for these evil capitalist debts. Every citizens has the right to run up massive debts and all will be forgiven. What a fucking bargain. I’ll have new car and a few dozen credit cards to max out on whatever incidentals takes my fancy please! I deserve it all and deserve it now. It’s written into the constitution somewhere in the 49th amendment I think. :roll_eyes:
I’ll see you next week for you to forgive me of all the financial damages I will have no trouble in accumulating.
People truly believe that money to pay for all this nonsense just appears magically in endless amounts for every delusional reason. They need a reality check that all debts are paid, whether they’re paid by the borrower, or by the lender in the case of defaults. Any losses incurred by the lender are recovered through higher interest rates and commissions for all other customers. The consumer always pays…or the taxpayers, NEVER the all caring all giving brilliant grifter governments. (overflowing with twits with IQ’s under 110, which is seriously dopey fuck level stupid, life losing liars)


Thanks for that very informative yet hilarious response BP. After reading this I made it a point to call Krause & Kinsman over & over until I finally got through to a lawyer who at first denied using a terrorist campaign of phone calls to harass unsuspecting people. Needless to say he changed his tune with me pretty quick when I called out several of his lies in the most pleasant way possible. I let him know he was being recorded and the actions by his company, partners & their overseas, & domestic call centers were all being logged in my records & reported to whomever was willing to listen. He apologized in a very nice but fearful tone & now my number is blocked from every one of the numbers they used to call me so I consider that a small victory on my behalf. But I’m definite they’ll call back in the future. Scammers always do. I’m glad to share my humble offerings with this wonderful community when they do also.


Krause & Kinsman are as fake as a trannies fanny
More dodgy than a 5 legged wombat
Weirder than a $3.50 bill



@FrankWest Yes, I agree. Never heard of this law firm. The legitimate and powerful ones that handle TCPA litigation with contingency fee arrangements where you won’t have to pay unless you win are: Edelson PC; Bursor and Fisher; Greenwald, Davidson, Radbil; The Consumer Protection Law Firm; Burke Law Offices; Kaufman, PA


Milberg doesn’t want to handle TCPA anymore, unfortunately. They lost some attorneys who were passionate about this topic and it’s not their specialty.

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I get so many phone calls from from overseas call centers that hook me up with American Intake centers for so many of these awful firms it’s pathetic. Sometimes I end the call after arguing with the intake specialists & sometimes I end up chewing out the crooked lawyers themselves. Fun times.


@FrankWest It might be beneficial for you to get connected with American intake centers to get their contact info and company’s name. You can then find a law firm to sue them for violating TSR Rule and TCPA. BIG money!

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Yes sir already I do that. But I just get satisfaction from exposing these creeps for what they are so other ppl don’t fall victim.


This is a very valid and good point. My goodness, I hate these sleazy bastards using foreign idiots to robocalls the US public galore!

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What’s the TSR Rule?

Telemarketing Sales Rule | Federal Trade Commission (ftc.gov)

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