Magicjack Fraud Support Experience (Case Study)

Magicjack is a VoIP service provided by YMAX Corporation and is available either via a device that can be plugged into a computer or more recently, via a mobile application. The DeMurrage group that reports about 5000 numbers a month to carriers for various scams has been tracking this carrier and their response to fraud complaints for over a year now.

Though this group does consider Magicjack to be a responsible provider, they are creating this thread to bring the following issue to the public’s knowledge:

Unlike many other providers, Magicjacks’ abuse teams do not work on the weekend. In addition to this, DeMurrage members have observed that the response varies and a reported number may be terminated within hours or may remain active for weeks.

In some cases (examples below), Magicjack representatives have responded that a number has been terminated only to be found to be active when tested by various members of the group.

Overall, customer support for Magic Jack in terms of fraud reporting has been mixed to poor based on their personal experience. Numbers that are used for scams are taken down but the consistency, time and frequency of the take downs are mixed to poor at best.

This topic will be updated with Magicjack numbers that have been found by members of the DeMurrage team and other members of the scambaiting community and meet some pre-defined conditions. Ome of these conditions are the number was reported by the DeMurrage team more than 1 day ago (Previous Friday in case of Monday updates) and have not yet been terminated by Magicjack.

We will start off the post with a list of currently active numbers that were reported over the month of April 2024

Date Reported Number Scam
4/2/2024 7076667003 Norton Refund Scam
4/8/2024 8314353873 Amazon Refund Scam
4/9/2024 8455149164 Instagram Impersonators
4/10/2024 4434379003 Crypto Refund Scam
4/12/2024 3472018598 Amazon Refund Scam
4/15/2024 8314353873 Amazon Refund Scam
4/16/2024 8186277409 GeekSquad Refund Scam
4/28/2024 4083006496 Microsoft Popup
4/30/2024 9099995074 BBB

While some of these numbers may not work since we have noticed that numbers get ditched bu scammers when they’re posted on this forum…Magicjack continues to not take action on multiple reports regarding the same numbers. As of May 6th 2024, the following numbers are still active (though maybe not actively scamming)

7076667003 goes to voicemail that is full
8314353873 “ther person at extension 0 is not available”. Nok Magicjack voicemail.
8455149164 non Magicjack voicemail. Same as above
4434379003 please press 1 and wait for beep. Then instant hangup.
3472018598 ringing
8186277409 no inbound calls, we have seen this before used as a technique to prevent being taken down. Magicjack takes a while tk take such numbers down.
4083006496 goes to Magicjack voicemail but it has been filled.
9099995074 voicemail

Some members of our team have also noticed that replies from Magicjack abuse email have recently started going to spam. If anyone is reporting Magicjack numbers, please check your spam for replies.

Reported Date Number Scam
5/1/2024 6619984865 Crypto
5/1/2024 4752019401 Crypto
5/4/2024 9099995074 Generic Support
5/4/2024 7273223809 Microsoft
5/4/2024 7192978209 Crypto

6619984865, 4752019401 & 7192978209 answering, potentially the same operation
9099995074 no inbound service
7273223809 Weird music voicemail welcome message


Here’s another example of Magic Jack’s erratic and inconsistent response record. The number: 213-283-6534 is being used for a McAfee refund scam. The number was reported today, May 6, 2024. Magic Jack responded to the abuse report and claims to have taken the number down yet it is still live, with the scammer still answering at the time of this writing.

We don’t know why Magic Jack does this. Either they don’t actually check the numbers themselves, or the scammers are doing something else that prohibits magic jack from fully taking these numbers down without the person who has filed the complaint having to tell Magic Jack that the number is still live.

This is not the first time this has happened. It’s happened many times over. Sometimes it may take days for Magic Jack to follow up on cases like this one. And sometimes, they don’t respond at all but the number is still taken down.

In other cases, Magic Jack will respond on the same day but many other times, they’ll respond either a day later or 5 to 6 days later.

Screenshot 2024-05-06 163007

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May 7th 2024 update:

  • The following numbers have been terminated following a repeated report on May 6th
    • 3472018598
    • 7076667003
  • The following numbers that seem to be forwarding their Magicjack number to some other system continue to be running despite a repeated report and Magicjack replying that they have been terminated. This issue with numbers that seem to be forwarding to another DID or system has been observed to hamper Magicjacks’ ability to terminate or verify

Note: I would like to clarify that Magicjack is a responsible carrier and they do terminate most numbers very efficiently. Over the month of April 2024, the DeMurrage group tracked 83 Magicjack numbers and we only had issues getting 10 of them terminated. This is much better than other carriers that are being reported in this category but the big issue with Magicjack is their vastly varying response time and the occasionally marking a number as terminated without actually verifying.


7th May 2024 update:

  • 6619984865, 4752019401 reported on May 1st are still in service but were busy with no voicemail when tested. This is a new phenomena that has been observed with Magicjack numbers since this thread was started. Scammers maybe watching this and ditching numbers.
  • 9099995074 and 7273223980 both reported on May 4th (Saturday) are now disconnected. This is a good response since Magicjack is known to take the weekends off, so they responded to these numbers within 1 working day.
  • 7192978209 reported on May 4th is still in service but was busy with no voicemail when tested.
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May 9th update:

  • 6619984865 reported on May 1st has now been disconnected
  • 4752019401 and 7192978209 continue to remain in service but are always busy with no Voicemail or any other message as seen with most Magicjack numbers.
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408-550-9004: Was reported 3 days ago as an Arlo camera support scam. Was told by Magic Jack that the number has been suspended. It is still live and being answered. The scammers are blocking numbers.

213-283-6534: Was reported 3 days ago as a McAfee support scam. Was told by Magic Jack that the number has been suspended. It is still live and answering by an angry scammer in India. Still no update by Magic Jack on the status of this report after 3 days.



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803-400-3481: Was reported 2 days ago on May 8, 2024 as an Arlo camera support scam. Magic Jack responded today, May 10, 2024 and claimed that the number has been suspended. It is still live 2 days later despite Magic Jack’s claims.

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After 7 days and a few follow ups, Magic Jack has finally identified the account associated with 408-550-9004 The number has been disconnected for fraud on May 14, 2024.


After 8 days and repeated follow ups on my behalf, 213-283-6534 has finally been suspended for fraud by Magic Jack.

I’d like to reiterate the OP’s original comments about Magic Jack being a reliable carrier but they can be extremely inconsistent when it comes to handling fraud reports. More cases of such activities and response time will be posted on this thread when they become available.

The community hopes that Magic Jack will improve their response time in the future as their service is regularly abused by scammers.


818-855-9064: Once again, another Arlo scam number that was reported on 5/22/2024 is still up after being told by Magic Jack that it was taken down today, 5/23/2024

Arlo camera scammers are frequent abusers of Magic Jack, further proving that Magic Jack does not enforce KYC at all since their app has gone up on the Google Play store.


818-855-9064 has been shut down for fraud but Magic Jack has not contacted me about this. Calling the number back presents Magic Jack’s disconnection message.

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Magic Jack seems to be back to their old ways of claiming to suspend numbers for fraud when those said numbers are still very much live and are being used to run scams. I bring you another case that has now lasted some 15 days.

Timeline: numbers 309-504-8098 & 530-809-9360 are being used to run crypto wallet support scams. Both numbers are being used by the same scammer (using different names) but at one point, were answered by different scammers but were still running the same scam. Both numbers were reported on July 15, 2024. Magic Jack claimed to have suspended both numbers on July 15, 2024 PM but they were still live after calling the numbers back. On the same day, a follow up was sent informing Magic Jack that the numbers were still live. On July 17, 2024, 2 days later, Magic Jack did not provide any more details on this case. A follow up was sent after the numbers were checked to see if they were still live and they were. After Magic Jack failed to provide an update for the next 11 days, the numbers were checked to see if they were still live on July 26, 2024 and they were. At this point, the first set of recordings were sent to Magic Jack of the scammer claiming to be crypto wallet support. Magic Jack would then claim on July 29, 2024 - 4 days later, that “Upon further investigation, the numbers were both suspended There have been no calls placed from these numbers.” The numbers were once again called after receiving this update from Magic Jack on July 29, 2024 and both numbers were still live.

Calling the 2 numbers back today, July 30, 2024, they are still live and still being answered by the same scammer, with no follow up from Magic Jack at all. In total, it’s been 15 days and Magic Jack has failed to act on this report. Recordings of the scammer have been shared below, the same ones that were sent to Magic Jack along with today’s recordings of the same scammer still answering his Magic Jack numbers & the email history.

Today, July 30, 2024:

Yesterday: July 29, 2024 (were sent to Magic Jack)

First set: July 26, 2024 (were sent to Magic Jack, different scammers)

Email history:

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I bring another case of Magic Jack claiming to have suspended a number for fraud but said number is still live.

Timeline: Number 970-424-1266 was reported to Magic Jack on July 27, 2024 as a crypto wallet support scam. 3 days later on July 30, 2024, Magic Jack would respond by claiming that the number was suspended for fraud. Upon receiving the update, the number was called back and it is still live and still being answered by a scammer in India.

A recording of the scammer talking to his colleague in a call center (in Hindi) who seems to be weary of my number calling him back, along with his friend telling him to hang up has been provided below along with the email history. This recording was also sent to Magic Jack as a follow up on July 30, 2024.

Total time for this report is 3 days.

Recording (July 30, 2024):

Email history:

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Back again with another case of poor Magic Jack customer support.

The number: 803-400-3324 is being used as a call back for an Arlo camera support scam. The original was sent on back on August 12, 2024. On August 21 - some 10 days later, Magic Jack sent a response claiming that an investigation was taking place but provided no further updates. We followed up by including more evidence August 21, 2024. It is now August 23, 2024 as of the time of this writing and the number is still live and now sports a phony Text Now voicemail message, which is a common tactic that the Arlo scammers have used to throw people off when reporting their numbers.

Total time for this report = 11 days.


I present another case from the team.

Magic Jack number: 206-414-4642 is being used to run an Amazon refund scam.

The first report was sent on August 2, 2024 which received no response or follow up by Magic Jack.

On August 21, 2024, the number was once again found to be live and being used to run an Amazon refund scam. A second report was sent and as of August 23, 2024, Magic Jack has still not responded to the original report.

Calling the number back on August 23, 2024, a message is played stating that the Magic Jack customer has disabled inbound calling on his account, meaning that the scammer is now making calls instead of receiving them.

Total time for this report: 21 days

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Here’s an update on this case from a colleague. Magic Jack responded today on August 26, 2024, claiming that number has been suspended for fraud. Calling back 8034003324, and the scammer is still answering the phone. Once again, our original claims of Magic Jack responding to some emails about them shutting down numbers only for them to be still be up, can be seen with this case.

Elapse time for this case: 14 days.

Here’s another update on this case from a colleague.

Numbers: (206) 414-4642 & (206) 497-7089

Magic responded today, for both cases, on August 26, 2024, stating that an investigation is being conducted. Calling the numbers back now plays a disconnection message. Though Magic Jack did not update my colleague about this, the numbers are indeed disconnected and are no longer in service.

Elapsed time for this case: 24 days.