Popup - kfkbgz.com/kDwBC6
Registered via NameCheap on April 17, 2024 - Whois kfkbgz.com
On desktop, users are redirected to Google. On mobile, users are redirected to Agitosvos
Registered via Dynadot on December 11, 2023 - Whois agitosvos.com
When users click “next,” they will be met with a fake live chat from “Peter C. Wilson,” who will ask if you would like to receive “compensation from a local class-action lawsuit” that was not explicitly specified.
Users who press “yes” will be redirected to a quick survey that will ask them
- If they were stationed at Camp Lejeune before 1998.
- If they were in a motor vehicle accident and are not at fault.
- If they were diagnosed with cancer if they were exposed to firefighting foam (AFFF)
- If they were diagnosed with cancer after being exposed to Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder
- If they were diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma or Cancer after being exposed to Roundup weed killer.
- If they developed Parkinson’s if they were exposed to Paraquat or Gramoxone.
- If they or a loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer.
- If they were diagnosed with cancer and have used hair-straighytening products.
- If they or a loved one were assaulted while using a rideshare service, such as Uber or Lyft
- If they were diagnosed with serious side effects after using Ozempic, Wegovy or Mounjaro.
- If they or a loved one suffered a fracture, migration, organ perforation or infection after being implanted with a catheter.
- If they were diagnosed with a serious illness after using a Phillips CPAP, BiPAP or medical ventilator.
- If they were injured on the job.
- If they want to save on a personalized home warranty quote.
- If they want to consolidate their debts of over $15,000
- If they want to find clinical trials.
- If their baby developed NEC after using formula.
- If they developed cancer after being in the Exposure Zone of the World Trade Center between 2001 and 2002.
- If they were sexually assaulted by a member of the Mormon church.
- If they are a small business owner with over 5 W2 employees.
- If their disability prevents them from working.
Afterwards, users will be contacted from any of their “marketing partners” within two business days. These partners include
- Berken Media, LLC, who is named in a proposed class-action lawsuit by Tim Aguilar for facilitating pre-recorded and live telemarketing “accident claim” calls to recipients who are on the federal do-not-call list.
- Protect My Car, Florida-based extended warranty scammers who facilitated prerecorded robocalls falsely claiming the recipients filed an “online request” to receive a call.
- The Guardian Legal Network, a subsidiary of the now-bankrupt Lacuna Ventures, LLC that generated leads for Camp Lejeune lawsuits.
- The “Advocacy Center”
- The “Consumer Council”
Users will also be greeted with a series of “benefits,” such as:
- An extended warranty from Choice Home Warranty.
- A debt consolidation plan from LMB Associates, LLC, who claims to do business from an Agoura Hills, California Postal Annex as “Debt-Bye.”
- A motor vehicle accident claim from National Injury Assist.
- A final expense quote from SelectQuote Insurance Services, who operated as the “Life Insurance Savings Group.”
- A workers comp claim from LegalClaimAssistant.
- A quote on their home from the “Prudential Homes of America”
- An extended warranty from Complete Car Warranty
- A car insurance quote from CarDirectQuote
- A home refinancing plan from CheckRaise Technologies, who did business as “MyCashOutQuiz.”
- Solar panels through the “Qualified Solar Survey”
- An “improved gutter system” that’s really a fake “$500 BP Gift Card” from PrimeRewardSpot
- A Medicare advantage plan from “insurance specialists”
- Senior assistance from the “SeniorAssistance Club”
Associated Phone Number - (888) 951-3643 (Busy Tellus)
Associated Email Addresses: