608-673-1420 and 414-306-6887 - Medicare Benefits Advisors Scam Again!

I am curious if these assholes will respond to you? As of late, LUMEN scum seems to have been conveniently ignoring complaints about scam and spam calls. It appears that they do not feel “it’s their problem” if one of their VOIP telephone numbers is “resold by the third party reseller”.

I would compare this issue to something like some person borrowing my car with my license plates from me. Say, they then commit a whole bunch of crimes using my vehicle and flee the police in it, while their identity remains unknown (except for me - I’d know it). Would it mean that police would not show up at my house to interrogate me and ask why MY vehicle was used to commit crimes? OF COURSE, they would, and they would be absolutely right in doing so!

It is the same thing here. In the end of the day, it is THEIR telephone number, so I feel that they must be held accountable! I am sick and tired of the whole “we are a humble wholesaler and do not know anything” game. They sold the number to SOMEONE, so they must know who this someone is. My advice to them would: Just don’t sell AMERICAN telephone numbers to anyone in India, Pakistan or the Philippines. What business do these people have calling American people, after all??? For example, in Ireland no Irish phones numbers are sold to anyone located overseas. Here is the source: Regulator Rebuffs Twilio Suggestion that Foreign Teleworkers Might Use Irish Phone Numbers | Commsrisk


I agree, looks good!


I think they are spoofing. This Monica person likely left FCC by now. It happens

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‪(646) 222-2305‬ - Camp Lejeune

(585)-376-2924 - Diabeetus


These criminals are back in the game. They called me today from 608-673-1420 and were posing as Medicare. If you call them back, it is identical hold music as before and same automated voice.

Looks like they have been engaged in massive robocalling for quite sometime; here is some proof:


Could you guys help with reporting it to IP Horizon? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. It is probably a good idea to CC FCC: [email protected]

@MehNamesJeff @Jhawk @JusticeinTexas @MajorLeeAwesome @Mike1212 @Tillianne - any help voicing your concerns to IP Horizon would be appreciated!


I’ll get on that in just a few minutes. Just got back from the grocery store.


Thank you so much! IP HORIZON is obnoxious. And these scumbags at (608) 673-1420 called me 4 times already! IP Horizon’s scum needs to be called out for their complacency.

Looks like they also were a Tax Reduction scam in the past. Now they are Medicare Benefits Advisors Indian scammers.


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Sometimes I feel like companies and authorities just don’t care if people are scammed. Maybe they would care if their parents/grandparents bank accounts were drained.


No kidding. But it is mostly the fault of VOIP. The greedy fat executive cats of VOIP enable these foreign criminals! I would appreciate your help emailing IP Horizon “leaders” at emails above, so that they feel the pressure. I already emailed these imbeciles.


I’m doing it now.


You rock! People on this forum are 500% more upstanding, kind, honest and helpful than any government “agency” tasked with actually handling it!

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Just about finishing teaching at an umpire clinic… I’ll write something up when I get home.


Thank you very much, @Jhawk. You’ve always been super helpful too!

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Written and sent to all the addresses you listed @scamterminator2021 I also included the nomorobo link as well as my research of the number.


“Your call is very important to us. Please stay on the line and you will be transferred to the next available agent.”


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Thank you very much!

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Yes, I got the same message now. However, they were answering as “Medicare Advisors” earlier today. These are known scammers. I think they only work limited hours on Saturday and Sunday lol

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“Hello? Hi, sir. My name is David and I’m calling you from your health insurance. How are you? All right, sir. So the reason for my call is to let you know that we are shipping you your new health insurance card to your physical mailing address within four to five working days dollars. And with this card, you’re also getting some benefit. Which means from now, you don’t have to pay any kind of doctor fees. From now. And also you don’t have to pay any kind of copayments on medication that you buy. All right, sir. So now I have a contact number. Now I have a contact number. Is that correct, sir? Is that correct? All right, sir. So before we continue, can I know your age please? Just for the age verification. Are you below 75? Are you above 75? So can you help me with your date of birth? Sorry, can you come again? Sir? I just need your date of birth just for the security purpose. Can can you ask me with that?”


Onvoy scum strikes back!


I have reported these ass farts and they keep hitting me back with " This is legitimate" Clearly not when they use robo dialers and hang up as soon they’re caught. What a war with the carrier.