Yet another in progress norton refund - +1 786-492-4022

Scam Number: +1 786-492-4022 (dumbass forgot to put the number and had to edit it lmao)
Domain Used:
Extra Info:

similar backstory to Norton refund scam in the making - +1 888-712-0775 different scammer, and new number.

again if you want to be added to the bs email leads list, dm me.

alright he is expecting the calls right about now, please blast the number. imma go to sleep soon and ill view the dumpsterfire that will be my whatsapp notifications when i wake up

Answered 4 am … Gonna hoard

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Mark Kane
Hollywood, FL that 786#
On Google on thing comes up escort service
On nothing
Text now#

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Called back twice didn’t answer

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“Every call is waste.”

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