What type of scams are these?

I get these from time to time.

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Looks like a romance scam to me

Evil heartless pieces of shit they are

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New SCAM out of China - The Pig Butchering Scam! - YouTube I think its this.

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Any tips on baiting? My number must be in a pool or something cus I just got a new one. (No my name is not Owen lol)

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It’s what we call the “wrong number” scam

So I continue to get these weekly. Put a few into a group chat and started playing. This guy starts speaking Chinese LMAO. He’s asking me where im from. I told him city in China. I say I got a “stupid American” today and that another conman gave me his number. He then asks me how many I’ve “cheated” lmao can’t make this shit up