Web InfoTech, LLC, an Indian scam call center Jim Browning & Karl Rock shut down 4 years ago

And just 20 minutes later I see a new number, which hasn’t been noted here yet: 888-570-9405.


Seems that the same are working with this website also and presenting them as QuickBooks Support with tfn

Main Domain = https://qberror.com/

Error page = Connecting Quickbooks Tool Hub -


How do you know it is the same scammer organization?


844 214 9614 the recording tells me I have been blacklisted on this system, ooooooo


using same techniques over the call also sometimes the scamsters names are also getting same and also found that running so many other websites with same products.

You should search for them and have a look on the websites which are all category products they are targeting.

Didn’t you searched for the quickbooks whereas you searched for only turbotax and google sites,

they also have the websites which are


They all belongs to them and making a scam at a high volume


The problem is that by those criteria we could say that all windows popup scams are run by one single criminal organization. I’m not saying you are wrong but I don’t see the evidence.


NEW NUMBER - 856-477-7542 (Peerless, claims I am “blacklisted”)


This is complete unedited audio from a few minutes ago of the behavior of this numbers when dialed.
I just cut the repeat loop down to one cycle
It goes non stop through endless call forward rings then hold music sessions.

Will be interesting to see what occurs during scamlight hours tomorrow.


two hours later, I see yet another phone number at Activation Code Error , 845-877-5154 (Peerless).


This too says I have been blacklisted.


So I found this spammy “blog post” that purports to show how to fix the fake “error code” that this scam gang uses

It redirects to this website:

(the IP address hosting this domain also hosts about 20 similar “tech support” domain names)

which prompts to go to https://msuschat.com/ . Here is a chat with the scammer:

GoToAssist link: GoTo Assist

Screenshot from 2024-02-15 09-02-01


The first thing I translated to Hindi was “I will split your mothers asshole and fuck your prostitute sister dry.” The second thing I translated to Hindi was “I will sell your father on amazon to work in the mines.”

He’s not responding. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Furthermore, a reverse image search revealed the following:


Again in trend QuickBooks :joy: these guys are playing smart, Blocked my number

Scamsters trying something By Blocking our Numbers :joy: :sweat_smile:

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Once more could you please explain why you think these Quickbooks impersonators are with Web InfoTech?


i am not saying it is web info tech but why you are defending this? are you from the same organization who is here to exploit others and prove yourself as a genuine scam buster. Also 1 more thing to look here is that you are not monitoring this which is already running a scam on other platforms as well. it seems you have something with only single product or with them only which you are following continuously and trying to prove yourself…is this right are you working for them…just got a thought so answer with truth… :smile: :sweat_smile:

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Ok. :+1:

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If its not related to web info tech, don’t put it on the web info tech thread. You haven’t presented any evidence of a connection, so you shouldn’t be posting it here. Thank you @ElmerFudde2020 for pointing this out.


NEW POPUP - Activate Your Product (activestaxs.pro)

NEW PHONE NUMBER - (888) 703-7928 (Twilo)

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NEW NUMBER - (888) 695-5850 (Twilo)

I fired up the Virtual Machine again for another detailed bait.

  • The scammer asked for the last 4 digits of my “activation code,” which I have set to “GANDUISABENCHODE.” I was asked to open QuickAssist (1N88Y1) before transferring me to “Kevin R.” from the “Technical Department.”
  • I was asked to re-enter the code, then “Kevin,” who couldn’t tell the difference between a zero and the letter O, found that I was running VirtualBox through msinfo and promised to call me back within 15-25 minutes.
  • After they hung up on me. they continued to fiddle around with the file explorer. They never called me back, so I played them the bhenchod song.

New number: 888-687-6370.

A lot of their feeder pages use a redirecting site hosted on AWS:


If anyone knows who to complain to at Amazon maybe they can shut it down. I found a lot of Amazon phone numbers on this website, but they all sound like scammers to me.