WARNING: Do not interact with this person

Okay, honestly, depends how you look at it. But he just seems to have a big ego and feels entitled. He clearly can see, feel, and hear everything we do, but just seems to think any kind of criticism or advice directed towards him is a threat to him or indicative of corruption.

And yeah it’s a necropost, I probably shouldn’t have posted here so late in the thread.

Sorry for necroing this. My name is nirv, and I just interviewed this guy in voice for almost 3 hours. I didn’t know at the time I spoke with him he has such a history of thinking he’s a badass. As you hear in the interview, I picked up on his arrogance and ignorance pretty quickly and feel I took him to task well enough.

Although reading about his history now, I feel I might have been too soft on him.

Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh8_XnMB680

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He’s a schizophrenic.

Wow seriously? I mean what exactly is he trying to accomplish. Other than disrupting whats going on here? He sounds like a common house troll.

he could probably use a priest as well

Sounds like your typical Gmail troll.

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There could be an ad “GMAIL preferred by scammers”

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What a complete turnip.