Welcome to the community
When GPs don’t prescribe pills.
Stop it.
Get some help.
@ CoryResilient
him trying to tell us that he is a hacker is hilarious
I dare you, Ping that moron
Doesn’t work though! Think it’s cuz he’s already banned.
He has a lovely grasp of the English language and how grammar works.
Cory Resilient needs to be removed from the EC-Counsil with immediate effect. (If he even is a registered CEH) - I doubt very much that his behaviour or the way he conducts himself stands up to the high standards of a professional Certified Ethical Hacker. In my personal opinion he’s nothing more than a complete embarrassment to the Cyber security community in general.
Welcome to the community, @dickeybalzaksenstein! Haha, to the proctologist to get his head examined!
He dun good wiff the spolling and grammers they’re wuz hardly an single error in that wun big long sendance.
So very funny!
I think his “speech” in the beginning of the video said it all. He was looking for a way to make some content for videos and thought he could just ride the coat tails of those who are popular in the scambaiting world and when nobody acknowledged him, he went into a typical childish rampage blaming everyone for his own problems of not being able to scambait on his own, saying that the scambait community is only in it for the money. He was the only one in that scenario that was looking for a payday.
His type is only good for bullshitting everyone and when that doesn’t work in his favor, he resorts to blaming others as the cause of whatever problems he perceives at that moment. Back in early Feb, on Twitter he tried to say he was as good as Jim Browning:
If he was, then he wouldn’t need to depend on anyone to “upload” his little progs for him. Criminals who find Religion as a way to start a new approach to hide behind is nothing new and this flake is just another one with a loud mouth and a short temper towards anyone who don’t want to play with him.
he said acam call centers lmao
The flark? Lmaoooo
I’d like to disclaim that I do not ask for anyone to harass anyone here within this discussion or whatever. I wish for the user whom is being discussed seek mental help from professionals who can assist. This documentation is pulled from public forum so there is nothing that is private here. If Cory wishes to attack me for this than my DM, Twitter, Discord & Telegram are easily sourced and he can discuss with me in private about what the fuck he wants to speak about as for that here’s compilation of shit that lead his ultimate ban from the community discord and more than likely the site.
Barrowed some photos from the discord credit to @Chronus for sharing these…
Cory asking people to break the law
No Clue what was said here but looks like he tried to lie about being a good hacker
ya hes lame I will learn from here lol new hobby for me thanks guys.
Late reply, but should mention:
Don’t think they have schizophrenia (see nami.org). Just big ego problems.
I don’t feel the least sorry that those useless scammer bastards “live in poverty” as he mentions in the video. This only means they likely funnel most of their spoils to terrorist organizations!
This person needs to shut up and get on with his shitty life.
nice necropost.
nami.org defines schizophrenia as
A serious mental illness that interferes with a person’s ability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions and relate to others.
Wikipedia defines schizophrenia as
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by continuous or relapsing episodes of psychosis. Major symptoms include hallucinations (typically hearing voices, delusions, and disorganized thinking.
Not sure about you, but reading his posts, he doesn’t sound like he can manage emotions / think clearly well
Maybe not schizophrenia, but hopefully he got mental help