Want to DONATE to BobRTC to help us out?

We had a successful launch on Sunday and the dev team would like to let you know that we have a SubscribeStar where you can donate to BobRTC to help get new features out the door and also to help us make non-toll-free easier to access!

DONATE! -> https://www.subscribestar.com/bobrtc

We have 3 levels of subscriptions:

$2/mo - 1,000 call tokens used for non-tollfree dialing awarded to your BobRTC account at the first of every month. Call token cap raised from 5,000 to 7,000. We'll put tokens in your BobRTC right away once you email us at [email protected] to let us know you subscribed!

$4/mo - More non-toll free dialing to USA and Canada. 2,000 call tokens in your account at the first of every month. Call token cap raised from 5,000 to 10,000 We'll put tokens in your BobRTC right away once you email us at [email protected] to let us know you subscribed!

$10/mo - INTERNATIONAL DIALING. 5,000 call tokens for non-tollfree dialing in your account at the beginning of every month, immediate access to 3-party, 5-party and 7-party conference dialing***. No call token limits. You can make phone calls to UK, AUS, India and many more countries. We'll put tokens in your BobRTC right away once you email us at [email protected] to let us know you subscribed!

*** As soon as the features are implemented

(We cap call tokens earned to an upper limit so that we can set aside call tokens over that limit for community prizes like FREE DIAL days and other special contests that we might elect to run on non-toll-free numbers.)

image logo-16dcd04aa1b4d30bc2289228b4a5f93apng.png![image logo-16dcd04aa1b4d30bc2289228b4a5f93apng.png](https://tlscommunity.com/assets/2019-07-14/23:25:440-logo-16dcd04aa1b4d30bc2289228b4a5f93apng.png)

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I subscribed successfully. How do I associate my subscription to my discord handle?


@kenzo#98793 ill make sure to help out when i get paid tried it an freakin loved it lol an already good amount of tokens to make long distance calls :grin::call_me_hand:

@kenzo#98793 ill most definitely get that 10 bucks a month deal lol

@drwat#98805 right now it’s done by hand cuz subscribestar is a brand new competitor to Patreon (we need a feature on subscribestar to direct ppl who subscribe to a register URL so we know u subbed)

Can u forward the email u got from subscribestar to [email protected] with your Discord handle so I can post to your balance. :-)

@drwat#98805 Ahh you already emailed. Thank you! Your account has been updated

Congratulations guys, when payday comes in I will deffo be doing my part. I can have fun and do something good at the same time

@kenzo#98838 done. thanks. all fine now.

i made my account and i called 10 people at the same time

@kenzo#98793 Hello, do you guys accept Bitcoin for donations?

@ppqq1#99788 we’re looking into that but presently the only way to help us out is via SubscribeStar as of right now

One more thing just to be sure, I am planning on donating to bobRTC using the $10 a month plan. After I confirm my donation to you using my email, is the call conference feature automatically unlocked? Also, I was wondering if subscribestar allows gift cards for donating? for example I will buy a $20 gift card and when it runs out I will donate again using another $20 gift card?

SubscribeStar only accepts credit/debit cards. I don’t think anybody takes gift cards (except scammers). The conference feature will be unlocked once the feature has been built and is available.

Has anyone else noticed or is it just me that scammers are getting chatty again on scammer.info now that there’s another calling system in the mix?

@kenzo#101460 yess neep even called one out the other time on a post i think it had a female name as the username an also i been getting asked what im using now to make all these calls since they’re failing at gettin rid of me lmao

I tell the scammer I’m using Skype to make my calls.

@Scambaiter956#102093 Hey there I have promoted you to Phonebook Moderator.

You will see some extra options when you click on a dial card in BobRTC.

@kenzo#102160 badass thanxz kenzo will get to it asap!!:grin::call_me_hand:

Would I get banned if I donate ?