"Vitality Now, LLC," fraudulent "memory boosters" - 800-599-0746

Popup - Vitality Now LLC (clearstateofmind.com)

Registered via NameCheap on January 15, 2014 (updated December 16, 2022) - Whois clearstateofmind.com

The popup is a lengthy, time-sensitive advertisement for “Youthful Brain,” a fraudulent memory enhancement supplement by Vitality Now, LLC. Each bottle costs $69, though buyers can also save by purchasing in quantities of 3 or 6 with their credit/debit cards, as they don’t accept checks or PayPal.

Other products sold by the organization include:

  • Youthful Sleep (sleep enhancer)
  • Ancient Relief (joint relaxer)
  • Stem Cell Renew (stem cell stimulant)

Vitality Now, LLC is listed with a B+ rating on the Better Business Bureau, with user complaints revealing that they do not print receipts with their orders.

Associated Instagram Account - https://www.instagram.com/my_vitality_now/

Associated Phone Number - 800-599-0746

Associated Email Addresses: