Travel Sales Scam

Scammer’s Number:+1-513-501-3731
Domains Used:
Extra Info: Head of one of the scam travel company name is TravelYankeys

Flight Booking Fraudster more info

Hi Markiemm,

Thank you for your response to my post. We need to really stop him. Some how i got to know this scam company was active From past 5-6 months this time Not Jassi Shergill this time this scam company is operated by Another punjabi guy. I Tried to call him last time first he said Yes This is Travelyankeys how may i Help You? with punjabi accent. But when i asked him why you scam with innocents he denied and hung up on me . His name is Mr Singh. number is +1-513-501-3731 he is the Owner of TravelYankeys and all other companies are under his name . Please scew him up. As he also scammed on me he charged my card way more than actual ticket cost. However i disputed those. but Still want to show him his real face.