SupportHello - The New big 24/7 Scammers on the block

this is there new number 1-844-618-4333

I called and used a soundboard on him.

wtf how u get that is it real

The main number is dead lol or they pretending. Wtf yā€™all do lolll

OK over 100K calls later it seems to be down completely. Anyone else getting through? Iā€™ll leave it up for a few days but think we won


@newtondial#80724 They are having some technical difficulties.

Wish I could say more but I canā€™t.

FYI, on Echoā€™s website they list out their address as unit 1/1 of the Vishal mega mart.

Hereā€™s what that looks like on the inside. If you scroll through enough pictures you start seeing pictures of bull-pen cubicles, which is where I am guessing SupportHello lives.,77.0940236,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNfAj_w8EPizcFAowwjPu6BTqT4iEEv1trNzy6q!2e10!3e12!!7i3280!8i1840!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xfac7acda6213899d!2sVishal+Mega+Mart!8m2!3d28.636198!4d77.0940125!3m4!1s0x0:0xfac7acda6213899d!8m2!3d28.636198!4d77.0940125

@drwat can you take a closer look at what I found on ECHO INFOCOMM and see if that jives with the address I found and the pictures?

I suspect that the callcenter is above a shop given the contruction (how the windows are placed and the unit aircon) and where the block is located given that an elevated runs across the highway from the store. Thereā€™s also another photo of what appears to be the owner/management team seated at a table in the middle of a meeting.

Ahhh I found another photo in that suite that confirms my suspicions. SupportHello is above this discount clothing store. Thereā€™s a photo advertising space for a ā€œUniversity Extension Centreā€ on the upper floor with a phone number. Given the cubicle farm is mostly all plastic laminate and vinyl paneling Iā€™m surprised when Iā€™ve talked with their agents it sounded like a carpeted office and not some busy chaotic Indian restaurant.

The caged windows defintitely have the ambiance of a jail.

u people are amazingā€¦this site is top notch

only downside of posting my numbers here is that , when they shut it down in 2 days ,...i miss talking to the regulars there....i will wait few days and see if they come back


scammer/info man

ā€¦2 days laterā€¦the number is active ā€¦wow

@kenzo#80759 @goatman1#80735 number is confirmed working again , but people are jamming them already took me 3 minutes to get a scammer lolll these guys are determined and so are the scammers

this will be interesting
the next america geeks?

loll its down again within a hour lmaoo

Iā€™m back on it baaaaaa

I randomized the 1 or 2 selection just in case that actually matters. Iā€™ll at full bore with old Lenny at the wheel just in case they decide to pickup maaaaaaaaaaa

Hey guys iā€™m hitting them will all i got and they are still up. I could use some help from the other autodiaaaaaalers

Thaaaaaaanksss :)

And Gone!!! BAAAAAA!!!

Also related to

@Lecter#90339 They are the same supporthello,aka echosoft aka softwillinfotech

Located in west Delhi locality: Tilak Nagar (mostly Punjabi speaking). Nearly 50% income/loot from Japanese victims.