SSA Idiots

I would characterize the current situation in the White House as the “Weekend at Bernie’s”. Very similar level of engagement and overall intelligence from the “President”.

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Hey ,

I am Pretty fluent in Hindi ( Native Hindi speaker) , Hit me up if you need any help .

These guys are the scum of the earth and I ll try my bit to help yall out

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Welcome :blush:

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(406) 384-6987 Got humans 6/9 around 5:30-something p.m. EST.


Absolutely! I’ve repeatedly reported these scumbag VOIP providers and they do nothing. No doubt getting kickbacks from them to their political campaigns.

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Welcome Baseplate! :upside_down_face:

Hawk u hitting 262 267 6769 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:fuckin

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Just keeps ringing Drac then goes busy and hangs. Working some amazon scambitch over too.


I gave her a lengthy confirmation number…
She got pissed off and hung up the phone.

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Called as a 72 year old and he threatened jail. I pretended to cry and then put my son on an he hung up. I called as my daughter and reamed him out and he was trying to make all kinds of excuses. Of course, I have had a peach brandy by now and I was quite eloquent. Called back and got another POS and he said that they had the wrong person. Let him have it too.


The Lying Orange King of Mar-a-Lago is a far bigger scumbag than even the worst Kolkata phone scammer.

But that’s enough politics from me. :man_shrugging:

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Thanks Baseplate, and welcome aboard!

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Scammers gonna scam. :joy:

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See I can be childish, too, bless your :heart_decoration:heart!

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That’s why I wanted to have a SCAM baiters meet greet trade and brain storm together and I dunno sign petitions or get our grassroots together … something …


I cannot agree more with your statements!

I’d say let’s do it! Or maybe we will have a petition at least that we will get signatures on. If everybody in our networks and friends of their friends were to sign such petition, it could then be presented to the Congress. I am serious.

That would be great but they are a little busy now with birthing persons and important stuff like that.

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