Roadside assistance or scam?

(844) 268-5319
Roadside assistance or scam?
Long time music hold,
Previously travel scam

Where’d you get the number? Need more info

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(844) 268-5319 This number previously belonged to known travel scam. But now it is roadside assistance.

Oh, I see. Like, someone posted it before, and you called it again?

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Can you link to the post? You could call and be like “hi, I’m calling about [name of past scam company], is this available here?”

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It is in my records from Yelp


Wait, nevermind, my VPN is just banned accross Yelp. One sec

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Took me two hours to respond, but the “is this [company name]?” question would probably work given we have a company name.

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Is this SkyFlightCheap, LLC?

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Yeah, something like that

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I dunno this tow service sounds hokey as hell to me.
called it says its a dispatch phone number from TN. Says working from home. Can hear roosters in back ground.

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Yes. Sounds shady, yes I heard roosters.
Scammers may be parking this number for some new scam