PayPal Scam ‪(805) 265-0589‬

Not to get side tracked, but…I too like, no, make that LOVE voluptuous women!!! :+1:


OK, the 2nd drink is kicking in…eating “pizza” is not what I was envisioning. :grin:

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No, I was not gonna be eating pizza. But women who do not shrink from eating pizza might better keep their curvy and voluptuous figures with the high carb pizza! :crazy_face:

I won’t expound further concerning what I might be eating or what you might be envisioning in an effort to not offend any of the super da looper women here who bait and harass criminals! :innocent:

Post Script:
Of course some of the super da loop women in this website could write and speak in ways that probably would make ME blush! :blush:


I know…it just hit me. Justice, who’s a close friend will kick my ass if I keep getting out of line. I’ll keep my trap shut on this subject, :grin: :mask: :mask:

This paypal butthole is still answering…‪(517) 709-7831‬


At 5:45 pm Central, USA … Still answering. A guy just now answered. They seem wore down. They are not answering in a sincere way, in an enthusiastic and professional-sounding manner!

Yeah, I do not want Justice to be riled up at us either!


I would eat it all like the Saturn Devouring His Son by Goya! LOL

Curvy girls are the best! I agree.

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@Hviezdoslav - we made Jhawk blush. Look at that!


Haha, @scamterminator2021!

(517) 709-7831‬ … still answering! Literally just now I got off of the phone on yet another call. The guy answered and read his script, but he did it in a jerky fashion and it took him too long to say “Hello, you’ve reached PayPal. How may I help you?” He read it slowly and in a choppy fashion. So immediately I mocked him. “You need to work on your short script, dumbass. Are you so stupid in English that you have not learned in English how to say your greeting easily?”

IMMEDIATELY at this point I heard what sounded like several people laughing in the background! Maybe the guy who answered just now had me on speaker phone? I do not think at this point that they are taking their criminal pursuits very seriously! So I mocked the guy who had originally answered my call, “Your own criminal colleagues are laughing at your incompetence, you dumbass!” The guy who had answered my call hung up without saying anything more.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Oh hell boys, I don’t blush THAT easily. Just don’t wanna get Justice, Draco, etc. pissed at me for getting out of line when I’m throwing down some great tequila margaritas. You guys are jealous 'cause they taste AWESOME! :rofl: :rofl: :wave: I mean the tequilas margaritas, not the women :zipper_mouth_face:

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Hahahaha, thats amazing!

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I bet they taste great! Yet, not as awesome as all those juicy things @Hviezdoslav used to consume throughout the Upper Midwest for the last 2+ decades! After he had his nice pizzas, of course!

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splashes cold water
Focus gentlemen! Focus!!!


Fair enough, @Asha! Fair enough.

(517) 709-7831 … I am on hold yet again. They seem to be answerin’ still.

Ha! Okay, a guy picked up this call just now and said, “You’ve reached the Cancellation Department.”

I replied, “You are the first person to answer this number as the Cancellation Department rather than answering as PayPal. Are you not reading your script correctly or have they given you a new script, stupid criminal?” He mumbled something and hung up.

I just put in the oven some frozen food after preheating it, so I am gonna keep calling this number for the next 45 minutes if they keep answering.


Brother, they are indeed gluttons for punishment! We of course are more than happy to oblige! :grin:

Ahh hell @Asha, I’ll just make another mar-gar-itta. F the cold water!

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(517) 709-7831 … Just now a guy answered again with an angry “Hello” and immediately he yelled, “Stop calling you mother freakers!” I had not uttered one word on the call yet. He used the PLURAL! You mother freakerS. They know that WE have been having fun with them today.


Now THAT makes our day doesn’t it Hvie! Well, and I mean WELL done boys & girls! :wave: :clap: :clap:

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Hey wait a minute:joy:Olive Oyls need lo:heart:e too :laughing: