Online Carding Operation recruiting unsuspecting Discord users

Domains Used: Telegram: Contact @OmnisionM Q&A of Omnisioη – Telegram Reviews of Omnisioη – Telegram
Extra Info: Online carding operation being run by an anonymous entity through the Telegram platform. They have a video in which they explain how they make money off of this illegal class and how the procedure works.
Their students send them images of the illegal things they have done with the knowledge they have obtained from the course. Omnisioη, their alias, claims they have gained a reputation through distributing guides through multiple darknet marketplaces such as Alphabay, a marketplace that has been shut down, Dream, Empire Market, and DNM. I know they last sent a message using a burner Discord account at 20:41 UTC, burner account is lalastarr#6490 for anyone interested in attempting to bait Omnisioη.
I have only scratched the surface and I am posting this for others who are interested in tackling this scam.

Not a good idea to open this can of worms again, they are aware of this site and are about to spam this thread with their BS. Again. Their crimes may be legit but this scheme definitely isn’t. This looks like a literal criminal Ponzi scheme, you make money primarily out of people you invite to the scam and end up paying the 150$. Nice video they got through, of higher quality than most scammers usually make.

I won’t look into this right now as 1) I do not plan to become a Tele user and 2) I do not want a knock on my door by special agents: triangulation fraud is still illegal you know.