OLX Scammers

contact no: +917357349475 / +916389763706

...are scammers of india, they are first asking for buying product from your olx advertises , they will say i want to buy your product from olx, give us your phonepay number for payment, when we give our mobile number they will send his icici bank or otherbank link to you by sms , when you click on sms and follow required steps money will deduct from your account
so be aware from the callers who wants to buy your products or any type of transactions they want to do with your gpay, phonepay , tej , google pay, paytm like accounts .

thank you

[“contact no: 7357349475 / 6389763706”,“OLX Scammers”]

@nikulp23#92301 how will the money be deducted from your acc? paytm is send-only…?!