Male enhancement 888 255 9099

Scam Number: 888 255 9099
Scammer’s Website or Email: text
Additional information about this scam:
Please be sure to write out important info so that our content is accessible to screen readers!
Perform In 47 seconds or less, guaranteed with Nox47
from Coastline Products
Just use Nox47 and in 47 seconds or less,
Perform in the bedroom like never before GUARANTEED!
Call now and get your FREE BOTTLE!!!
Only 20 FREE BOTTLES Remain!
888 255 9099

Carrier: Intelemedia Communications, Inc.
Answers as: Nox47
Attempts to sell: Noxitril ($19.90 in shipping and handling)
Phonebots deployed: Lenny
Ducks deployed: 1

Notes from Lenny bait:

  • Terri attempted to sign Lenny up for an auto-shipment program for $19.90/month.
  • Terri claims Lenny can cancel by calling customer service, though no customer service number was provided.
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Funny guy, first he says the pills work in 2-3 minutes, then later says 20 minutes. When i asked him about the contradiction he said “don’t treat me like that” and weasled out of it by saying he was referring to the gel taking 2 minutes.

Slick talking snake oil salesman with no online store - surprised an American would take such a job tbh.

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