How to set up your very own fake bank website, right on your own machine

Thanks for the share. I had problems with xamp and ended up using mamp. Is there somewhere to get themes?

im having issues myself, when i am trying to make the database it says successfully authorized you as the owner etc etc. But then it dosent move to the next step it just stays there and i have no clue what to do anymore seems more like you issue than me

Hi. Are you using xamp or mamp? xamp just threw errors at me from the get go so I moved to mamp and had no issues at all.

i fixed it and set it all up perfectly!

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Awesome news. Happy scambaiting!!

Im having exact same issue. mind telling us how you fixed it? I’m 100% positive I’m entering the correct user and pass, however not sure about the database name…

I get to the point where I have to put the database name, username and password and I’m 100% positive I’m putting the correct username and pass and once I click on “confirm and set up” a message appears on top of the screen saying “success! you have successfully authenticated as the owner of the website and can now continue the setup process” the problem is it doesn’t go anywhere and it just refreshes the page where I have to put the info again . its like a loop. does anyone know how to fix this?

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if you have discord add me and i shall help you thelastknight2

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If y’all want to generate an SSL certificate that lasts for 90 days for your fake bank for free, here you go, SSL Certificate Generator: Free letsencrypt SSL in minutes - PunchSalad

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Hi, Im getting this error for some reason

Warning : require(C:/xampp/htdocs/include//install/Utils.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\DSJAS-release-alpha\include\Bootstrap.php on line 28

Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Failed opening required ‘C:/xampp/htdocs/include//install/Utils.php’ (include_path=‘C:\xampp\php\PEAR’) in C:\xampp\htdocs\DSJAS-release-alpha\include\Bootstrap.php:28 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\DSJAS-release-alpha\Index.php(19): require() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\DSJAS-release-alpha\include\Bootstrap.php on line 28

Hi… I got lost… I when I need to put the bank folder into the new old folder that I create it in the htdocs, after that I have to go to the web and search for " localhost" and there is sending me in the localhost/dashboard of xampp…

I don’t understand what wrong did I make? Thank you

Don’t forget this also incredibly important component…
The design and interface of the site you create as well as its potential “hiccups” can be incorporated into the prolonged frustration of the scammer.

Presuming you would have a bank within the U.S. banks which are small or private (esp credit unions) have very low-functioning sites with outdated tech. The state of Louisiana, for example, ONLY has privately run banks which are small and unheard of because of the fact they only exist within the state. The need to produce something that is in alignment with what is typically seen on a bank website that operates nationally is less important and will check out. The freedom to be quirky and integrate wonky functions works due to the camp nature these sites have. Keep in mind some basics to being in that region however. Often distracting the scammer with bizarre details helps in convincing them of the legitimacy of your fake site.

It truly breaks down to how convincing you can be about it more than the believability of what you create. Louisiana has a focus on pelicans, swamps, gators, jazz, football, etc. etc. Use of cheesy phrasing and implementing these themes into various site “features” really throws scammers off and prolongs calls, certainly in my experience at least.

Have this bookmarked, mentioned on your desktop, integrated into other features somehow. Performance is potentially more important than precision.

For some reason I can’t seem to get the site to work. I’ve tried docker (which just gives a white blank page), and using XAMPP, WAMP and MAMP just all give the same error of 403 Forbidden.

Has anyone else been experiencing this issue? I’ve been wanting to try this one as it’s a lot better than the older one I’m using, but even following the install documentation on docker or using those programs seems to not work for me.

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I dream of this screen!

Still get this wether I use XAMPP or MAMP can anyone help please?


Same, what’s worse is that even installing/enabling those extensions in php.ini result in the same error. I honestly don’t get what I’m missing.


Ive now given up with hosting my own as it will probably demand alot from the sysytem as well as running a VM, VoIP, OBS (if recording) etc. Looking at getting Responder PRO at the end of the month. Worth the price as you get help setting it up!


I just find it odd, I have tried every single all in one package including MAMP and MAMP Pro, but it always results in me needing to enable/download php extensions.

No matter what I do it’s always the same error of needing to enable them, and it’s frustrating. I’ve followed the install process to a t and even tried researching/fixing the error, but in the end I can’t get it to work.

It was supposed to also work “out of the box”, but not for me. If there was a super easy one I’d try it, but from what I’ve searched sadly none so far.


If you just hold on for a while, the developer is rewriting some of the code as there’s quite a few of us having those module issues. He mentions there should be a new version soon. :crossed_fingers:t2: