FearToxin Scanner Popup Thread

This is a thread for the FearToxin popup scanner. The bot will reply to this post with popups, so you can follow this account or post if you would like to be notified. You are responsible for vetting the numbers you call. If you do make use of this, please do your part by responding to working numbers to make it easier for other baiters.



This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here.


This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here.
URL: https://alertsupport-call-for-nes-x-xndcdnen-ss-dd-ss.azurewebsites.net/#


yeet now it works :+1:


yeah looks like it. lmk if I should change it any more. I’ll play around with the audio embedding for the other one later.


This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here.
URL: https://zonemachine.online/D0d0C0de08g0f00Er0fa3408/


This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here.
URL: https://ialmea.shop/__Bq_--d-Q0j-P_/PHo-_fGZ-qcqCo_/_k_-JCrE_--IpA_/zKVquYYQ-u_ymB--k-_-u___-/?n_b=KDg0NCk2MjAgMzM4NA==&s_1=s1606_47FNAOECVTUOBBF4T456MY43M5JVFKGY

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This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you would like, respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: https://thusday.xyz/

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you would like, respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: https://lohfsallc.online/

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This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: https://lionfish-app-tqsuw.ondigitalocean.app/werrx01/?phone=050-5479-7686&

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This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: http://silencecreator.online/nightchanges/

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This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: https://hyrdtil.online/


This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: https://offeringsservices.online/snfr3dvfe-0dfrew4os6icu-fesfe4ws6poci-0fr5epos6ife-wso5cs6cfepsid-sd0fep4os6ice7psocd-eidre5wo6asf-resoi4dewoscf-esid5eos6fresoe-wd3wq3sde5wdrfide7640/001/edg/index.php


This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: https://offeringsservices.online/snfr3dvfe-0dfrew4os6icu-fesfe4ws6poci-0fr5epos6ife-wso5cs6cfepsid-sd0fep4os6ice7psocd-eidre5wo6asf-resoi4dewoscf-esid5eos6fresoe-wd3wq3sde5wdrfide7640/001/macx/index.php


This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: http://timepasscsdafsdfyhsdg.xyz/jp22222222222222222222/

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This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: https://sting6tsray-appxcv3-ejtbx.ondigitalocean.app/winrrvx006/?phone=050-5532-2944

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This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: https://silencecreator.online/nightchanges/

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This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: https://detailsenhance.online/snfr3dvfe-0dfrew4os6icu-fesfe4ws6poci-0fr5epos6ife-wso5cs6cfepsid-sd0fep4os6ice7psocd-eidre5wo6asf-resoi4dewoscf-esid5eos6fresoe-wd3wq3sde5wdrfide7640/001/chrmac/index.php

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: https://detailsenhance.online/snfr3dvfe-0dfrew4os6icu-fesfe4ws6poci-0fr5epos6ife-wso5cs6cfepsid-sd0fep4os6ice7psocd-eidre5wo6asf-resoi4dewoscf-esid5eos6fresoe-wd3wq3sde5wdrfide7640/001/macx/index.php

This popup has been identified by the FearToxin Phishing Scanner.
This may be a false positive, you are responsible for verifying the numbers you call. If you would like to join our discord for more scanners, click here. If you call, please respond to this message and let others know the number works.
URL: https://goldfish-app-a42ee.ondigitalocean.app/merrx01/?phone=050-5479-7686&