Facebook service providers exposed

So I went undercover into some scam provider facebook groups where I pretended to be a callcenter manager and want to buy some services from them

These are my results:

products they sell on facebook:
Emails bombing(sending bulk emails to potential victims about fake amazon orders...), popups (even browser specific), call forwarding, popup scripts, software to black out the screen(for refund scams),

50 calls through sending bulk emails: 750 rupee (about 9$)
popup site/script: 19$
1 popup call 4.5$-15$
popup for chrome 60$
1 cashapp call=7$-10$
1 paypal call=6$

As the prices per call are so high, posting a number of a service provider on scammer.info or bobrtc can really financially ruin a scammer... More than ever expected!!

Some info I collected about some sellers:

Rohid Singh:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; Redmi Note 6 Pro Build/PKQ1.180904.001; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/84.0.4147.111 Mobile Safari/537.36 [FB_IAB/Orca-Android;FBAV/;]
AS45609 BHARTI-MOBILITY-AS-AP Bharti Airtel Ltd. AS for GPRS Service
9650828114 his paytm account number

Singh pankaj:
Nickname: Pinku
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.135 Safari/537.36
New Delhi

Kumar Natin:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; Redmi Note 9 Pro) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.125 Mobile Safari/537.36
AS45609 BHARTI-MOBILITY-AS-AP Bharti Airtel Ltd. AS for GPRS Service
+1 915-302-2199

Raveesh Kapoor:
Imind technologies
[email protected]

Arush Jain
living in Kolkata

google play, paytm, bank transfer

they complain about their campains being suspended quickly. They especially complain about the suspending of cashapp campaigns and think the end of these types of scam are near. AWSOME!!

This is likely part 1 because I will continue to collect info about them

If you like this post please hit upvote :D

@Botvernichtung1#158151 Nice write-up…Хорошая работа!

Awesome work!

Well done! There are far too many Facebook groups dedicated to scams and their payment gateways.

@Botvernichtung1#158151 That’s extremely awesome, bro!

Thanks for your feedback :slight_smile:

Wait…Facebook will ban you for your political views but scammers are welcome? Something is seriously wrong over there.

I’ve found a few Facebook groups that belong to tech support scammers (advertising popups, gift card blocking, etc…), how did you report these groups @callcender

@Telescope#159618 I didn’t report them :frowning:

Ok, thanks anyway

@Callcender#158151 Also hey bro, you have any emails? My boi Vladimir is interested in their services and wants to start a scam call center (I am kidding and Vladimir)

That’s very interesting. The continued existence of those Facebook groups is a major source of annoyance.

On one of Jim Browning's videos, I think it's the one where he got control of the scammers' CCTV, had a spreadsheet with a breakdown of the calls they were receiving. One of the things they were recording was whether a call was a "prank" call or not, with the implication being that the scammers could get some sort of a refund from the popup creator for calls that they managed to classify as "prank".

Did you manage to get any sense of how the scammers receive calls from the popup provider? Are they just getting calls routed to their own phone number, or are they connecting to a SIP trunk and picking up the calls from there?

@Callcender#158151 Thank you. Excellent. My observation shows (so far) all

cashapp scams are localized to Delhi, Gurgaon, Meerut and Sonepat

I thin is a chartered accountant and he does the company registration of his clients and puts his email

[email protected] (Gurpreet SingH)

Seems he and or some of his clients may be scammers

@Callcender#158151 Arush Jain

Arush Jain

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Is there value in doing some bulk reporting to Facebook? Is FB responsive to this type of criminal activity?

@ScamChod#159780 I’m not sure

@ScamChod#159780 I had no luck with FB