Dedicated scambaiting PC

Hi all, I just purchased a PC for the sole purpose of scambaiting. I have not set up the PC yet. Any suggestions to ensure my security and maximize my success while I set it up is greatly appreciated.


I would probably install VMware and use a vpn

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“He Is a Man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will” -Some villain guy from John Wick

But anyways Jim Browning has a video about setting up a Virtual Machine, that you could look into :slight_smile:

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Use a software like deep freeze or similar.
Make sure your using ethernet and disable any WiFi adapters due to bssids. Make sure to cover any webcams if they ha e any and hook it up to a vpn.

You could also put it on its own subnet but I’m not sure how you’d go about doing that.

That is if your using that PC as your bait machine, if not use a virtual machine software like Hyper-V, or VMware or Virtualbox on Windows. VMware or Parraells on a Mac. KVM/Qemu, Virtualbox or VMware on Linux.

I don’t know much on using an actual pc for baiting but hopefully this helps.

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@tumblewhiskers, I wouldn’t recommend using the host machine for scambaiting, you would be better off using Virtual Box or VMware - if you’re unsure of how to setup a VM for scambaiting I recommend you check out this post by a fellow user @NeeP who has put one together.

Also, I recommend you check out the Scambait Guide as a reference:

I hope this helps, good luck!

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@mcscammer welcome to the community

Really, I’m worried that they’re gonna ruin my PC. That’s why I purchased one for only scambaiting. Am I worried too much? If so, sweet, I have two PC’s now :smiley:

Thanks for the info. I should’ve stated that I’d be using VMware. I meant to say that the computer will only be used for baiting,is there anything I should do during initial set up to protect myself in the event the scammers figure out I’m using VMware. Seems like NordVPN or something like that is all I really need. Also, what could the scammers do to my computer if one of them were to figure out I’m scambaiting?

@tumblewhiskers, Please don’t take what I am about to say the wrong way. If you don’t know or are not confident in setting up a VM for scambaiting I would advise against it. You have to remember the people you are going to be communicating with are criminals, they have no morals and couldn’t care less about who they hurt.

The chances of scammers getting outside of a VM and doing anything to your host machine is slim but that isn’t to say it couldn’t happen.

If you use a prebuilt VM like the one provided by @NeeP you shouldn’t need to make any chances, he has kindly done all the hard work in making the VM stealthy. These changes don’t work in every case and some modifications made be required, if you take a look at his post you will get a better understanding.

There are many other ways you can join the fight against scammers without letting them connect to your VM.

  1. Waste as much of their time as possible, doing so stops them calling other victims

  2. Share any scam emails, texts, etc you receive with the community on

  3. Alert friends, family including the elderly and vulnerable members of the community

Note: If any of the Mods and/or Leaders on here have anything to add that I might have missed please feel free to edit this post.

thank you

No wrong way taken.However, there is 0 percent chance of me not setting up a VM. My scambaiting appetite is too strong to pass up. Thanks for the suggestions. I have looked at neep’s post and will be setting it up tonight. Can’t wait!

If you need help setting up VM there’s plenty of tech support numbers here you can call…lol…good luck it’s really easy to set up, even I did it…there are lot of people here that can help and youtube is great also