Daily number reports from Team Demurrage, some of these may be active, this list will be released at 5:59 EST, 10:59 PM GMT on an automated timer.
Number Report
BANDWIDTH8284230666 SUSPECTED illuminati scam
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8058043253 Zelle Support
ONVOY 5169076416 Publishers Clearing House 5169076416 was reported on 17/08/2023 18:21:58
ONVOY 8482434773 Zelle Support
ONVOY 2526203164 synergy financial back at it again
ONVOY 6504908308 ‪(650) 490-8308‬ Texted me and claimed that they were PayPal in the following message: “‪Hi!Sir/Maam’
This is Jay trying to contact you from PayPal.We have noticed something suspicious with your account.Return the call Asap…”
HD CARRIER 4847405540 Fake PayPal customer service
BANDWIDTH 9123736288 ‬ Fake PayPal customer service
BANDWIDTH 8552714891 Publishers Clearing House Scam
ONVOY 9295218033 Publishers Clearing House
TELCOLINE 8884494288 Chime Scammers 8884494288 was reported on 26/08/2023 20:19:28
BANDWIDTH 3153641117 Technical Support Scam
BANDWIDTH 8599043614 Text message: Dear Member
Greeting From Geek Squad
We received your missed calls
If you have anu query about your order please Contact us
+1 (859) 904-3614
Thank you
Billing Team
8663146727 check carrier
TELCOLINE 8445201044 Crypto Scammers 8445201044 was reported on 25/08/2023 21:48:38
ONVOY 2138231768 synergy financing 2138231768 was reported on 22/08/2023 20:32:11
8449932626 fake Arlo Camera support
ACEFONE 8447893435 fake Arlo Camera support
8778357931 fake Arlo Camera support
BANDWIDTH 8332428966 Arlo Camera Support Scam
ONVOY 8038592069 YouTube TV Scammers TN
HD CARRIER 8182144091 Amazon Technical Support Scam
TELCOLINE 8445201044 Gemini Wallet 8445201044 was reported on 28/08/2023 21:12:51
HD CARRIER 8182144113 Amazon Technical Support Scam
TELCOLINE 8664974471 AMazon Scammers 8664974471 was reported on 23/08/2023 20:22:43
BANDWIDTH 5058475411 Amazon Technical Support Scam Call Back
BANDWIDTH 8332036551 Gemini Support
BANDWIDTH 8552714891 Publishers Clearing House 8552714891 was reported on 28/08/2023 19:59:40
TELCOLINE 8334922408 Microsoft Scammers
BANDWIDTH 6152199592 Facebook hacker
BANDWIDTH 6468462485 Amazon scam
INTELIQUENT 8553040190 Chime Scammers
HD CARRIER 8057066423 Paypal Scammers
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8102701050 Norton scammer
I scanned all the numbers look in your inbox for results soon after its completed
Number Report
ONVOY 5168537009
Publishers Clearing House
HD CARRIER 4848346471 “Gabriel” from PayPal
BANDWIDTH 8052627378 “Frank” from PayPal
BANDWIDTH 8055216056 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 9144295515 Publishers Clearing House
BANDWIDTH 8042387916 “Adam” at Geek Squad
HD CARRIER 4845181690 PayPal support
BANDWIDTH 8014775538 Fake Ring Camera support
ONVOY 7276104980 Impersonating PayPal Customer support
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8023757014 Claiming to be Amazon customer support
RINGCENTRAL 8883832862
Publishers Clearing House
TELCOLINE 8887133508 Zelle Support
ACEFONE 8883928021 Geek Squad Scammers
ONVOY 3134707657 Zelle Support
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8146935570 Gemini Support
BANDWIDTH 8316078608 Crypto Scammers
TELCOLINE 8445201045 Fake Gemini customer service, seen at https://sites.google.com/view/gemnixperts/home?gclid=CjwKCAjwrranBhAEEiwAzbhNtXB2Q3x9uGTZYSqWHZCtS2qgi6Z3U3LR4Q9Ye6wiLAyue2lWVPfNXBoCMUYQAvD_BwE
ACEFONE 8889271275 Fake PayPal customer service, as seen at https://the-pal-help-service.vercel.app/
BANDWIDTH 4253121765 GeekSquad scam
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8055674415 Crypto Scammers
TELCOLINE 8334922408 Microsoft Scammers 8334922408 was reported on 28/08/2023 22:45:33
TELCOLINE 8446581798 GeekSquad impersonation
ACEFONE 8776456207 Microsort popup scam
YMAX COMMUNICATIONS CORP 9174775745 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 2067037266 Publishers Clearing House Mega Millions
ONVOY 8307455653 Publishers Clearing House TN
BANDWIDTH 2013810760 Publishers Clearing House
YMAX COMMUNICATIONS CORP 2062599720 Publishers Clearing House
ACEFONE 8888641634 Geek Squad 8888641634 was reported on 24/08/2023 16:46:04
TELCOLINE 8334922431 Microsoft Scammers
ONVOY 8054090964 Coinbase Daniel
ACEFONE 8555260296 This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
INTELIQUENT 8886561277 Chime Support
TELCOLINE 8446581717 PayPal support
ONVOY 8582484473 Coinbase Danny’s Second Number
INTELIQUENT 8662922752 Fake Arlo Customer Support
8777478721 Fake Arlo Customer Support
866-497-4471 Oliver Tuesday 8-29-23 8:49PM EST
801-477-5538 Jack Tuesday 8-29-23 8:04PM EST
831-607-8608 Frank Tuesday 8-29-23 8:09PM EST
866-292-2752 Tuesday 8-29-23 8:25PM EST
916-655-4135 Arlo Ryan Wednesday 8-30-23 9:00PM EST
856-341-9636 Wednesday 8-30-23 9:28PM EST
876-804-5380 Thursday 8-31-23 7:01PM EST
877-379-3552 Thursday 8-31-23 7:23PM EST
844-520-1045 Gary Thursday 8-31-23 7:25PM EST
This is the last of all the PCH numbers I’ve called over time that are still Active.
202-897-7040 Still Active David VM Thursday 8-31-23 8:19PM EST
585-371-8692 Still Active Ralph Bernard VM Thursday 8-31-23
516-266-6307 Still Active David Brown VM Thursday 8-31-23
585-397-7311 Still Active Ralph Bernard VM Thursday 8-31-23
844-394-3795 Still Active Paul Sterling/Clifton Hughes VM Thursday 8-31-23
516-262-4869 Still Active VM Thursday 8-31-23
281-962-5173 Still Active Male VM Thursday 8-31-23
877-317-2207 Still Active VM Thursday 8-31-23
917-724-0625 Still Active VM Thursday 8-31-23
631-402-9057 Still Active VM Thursday 8-31-23
631-402-9114 Still Active VM Thursday 8-31-23
877-741-8241 Still Active VM Thursday 8-31-23
770-737-7831 Still Active James Razeum VM Thursday 8-31-23
888-701-4798 Still Active VM Thursday 8-31-23
716-279-1977 Still Active Male VM Thursday 8-31-23
587-404-5159 Still Active David Myers VM Thursday 8-31-23
769-218-3566 Still Active Male VM Thursday 8-31-23
917-672-8611 Still Active VM Thursday 8-31-23
931-263-7196 Still Active Alex Sayer VM Thursday 8-31-23
Thank you Fighter!!! Your awesome.
Thank you! I forgot to save some of the Microsoft numbers that I had hold music for. So may I have to go back and see if there still active/answer later on.
Number Report
8338726876 suspected Fake Arlo Customer Support
BANDWIDTH 8055381722 Fake Arlo Customer Support
ONVOY 8055381222 suspected Fake Arlo Customer Support
8338872634 Fake Arlo Customer Support
TELCOLINE 8887121995 Disney Plus scam
YMAX COMMUNICATIONS CORP 8053080704 Fake Arlo Customer Support
8777478721 Fake Arlo Customer Support 8777478721 was reported on 29/08/2023 23:58:13
TELCOLINE 8778081699 Nortons Anti-virus
IP HORIZON 9145406771 Publishers Clearing House
PEERLESS NETWORK 7163919242 Publishers Clearing House 7163919242 was reported on 16/08/2023 04:49:18
IP HORIZON 9145406771 Publishers Clearing House 9145406771 was reported on 30/08/2023 04:21:54
YMAX COMMUNICATIONS CORP 7863786131 This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
BANDWIDTH 8555962337 This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
TELCOLINE 8446581898 Nortons Anti-Virus
YMAX COMMUNICATIONS CORP 2132659713 Nortons Swindlers
TELCOLINE 8774142683 Windows Popup Swindlers
YMAX COMMUNICATIONS CORP 2093705199 Windows Support
YMAX COMMUNICATIONS CORP 2062596540 Microsoft Support
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8055853521 Gemini Support
TELCOLINE 8446581358 Gemini Support
TELCOLINE 8445201044 Gemini Support 8445201044 was reported on 28/08/2023 22:23:12
TWILIO 8888022597 GeekSquad Support
RINGCENTRAL 8335054006 Microsoft Fraud
382 COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION 8447402586 Windows Support Shane answers
TWILIO 8888147331 Geeksquad Support
ONVOY 3052246661 Publishers Clearing House\
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8104713149 Geek Squad Support
BANDWIDTH 9595664453 US Pharmacy
ONVOY 3156776465 Publishers Clearing House
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8012859348 “Sam” from McAfee account support
ACEFONE 8888093157 Microsoft Support
ONVOY 6262634296 Microsoft Support
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 7064179258 Paypal Support
TELNYX 8043489576 Windows Popup
ACEFONE 8336975203 Popup scam
BANDWIDTH 9497447769 Microsoft Support
PEERLESS NETWORK 7163919242 Publishers Clearing House 7163919242 was reported on 30/08/2023 05:18:56
BANDWIDTH 8883698344 Popup scam
ONVOY 3146176742 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 3146176742 Publishers Clearing House TN 3146176742 was reported on 30/08/2023 18:22:05
TELCOLINE 8665524309 Popup Scam
TELCOLINE 8337014530 ‪(833) 701-4530‬ fake gemini customer service, as seen at https://sites.google.com/view/gemiiniihelpp/home?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0bunBhD9ARIsAAZl0E1FbRlOR1XcvvoM1dKZLQE0cxFkWdizWYEYJrQM2yh6iMTmB3VkcM4aApwkEALw_wcB
HD CARRIER 8182142118 fake apple customer service, as seen at https://we-reach-apple.netlify.app/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0bunBhD9ARIsAAZl0E1vhOBTqMtg-0cxshVw8Pk3QJDZ6kOvPZfdkOWEibzfnmpeAxmu2h8aAoGjEALw_wcB
INTELIQUENT 8886590951 Microsoft customer service impersonation
INTELIQUENT 8886590951 windows popup 8886590951 was reported on 30/08/2023 19:13:19
BANDWIDTH 5165509602 Publishers Clearing House
paypal support
ACEFONE 8663820840 Amazon Support
BANDWIDTH 6076740055 This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
ONVOY 6598887294 synergy financial
ONVOY 8592033129 Chime Scammers
8667556991 check carrier
ONVOY 5168668984 Publishers Clearing House 5168668984 was reported on 26/08/2023 07:05:04
BANDWIDTH 8052839511 GeekSqaud Support
BANDWIDTH 8886969482 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 4699476185 Geeksqaud Support
INTELIQUENT 8662922752 Arlo Scammers 8662922752 was reported on 29/08/2023 23:56:44
BANDWIDTH 8052839511 McAfee Support 8052839511 was reported on 30/08/2023 21:15:40
ACEFONE 8333835388 popup windows hack
INTELIQUENT 8553170902 Facebook Scammers
ONVOY 8188477034 Coinbase Support
PEERLESS NETWORK 2312213826 debit cards skimming scheme
Number Report
JAMAICA TEL CO 8767876972 Publishers Clearing House
JAMAICA TEL CO 8768045380 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 3213797189 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 5168668301 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 5168668301 Publishers Clearing House TN 5168668301 was reported on 31/08/2023 00:30:12
BANDWIDTH 8662484471 Publishers Clearing House
TELCOLINE 8334922456 Windows Popup
ONVOY 7165773936 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 2402487093 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 2818193727 Roku TV
YMAX COMMUNICATIONS CORP 8016155694 Norton/PayPal Impersonation
ONVOY 2526203476
Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 3607172907 PayPal “support”
TELCOLINE 8664975188 Microsoft Scammers
BANDWIDTH 6152709788 Gemini Support
8443793552 Amazon Scammers
Zelle Support
BANDWIDTH 8065998674 Amazon Scammers
BANDWIDTH 8023575256 Nortons Anti-virus cancelation department
TELCOLINE 8445201045 ‪(844) 520-1045‬ fake gemini customer service, as seen at https://sites.google.com/view/gemincal 8445201045 was reported on 29/08/2023 20:47:37
PEERLESS NETWORK 8443793552 This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information. 8443793552 was reported on 31/08/2023 19:26:11
PEERLESS NETWORK 8443793552 This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information. 8443793552 was reported on 31/08/2023 20:32:04
TELCOLINE 8553900590 This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
BANDWIDTH 9595664453 US pharmcy 9595664453 was reported on 30/08/2023 17:45:23
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8326855389 Zelle Support
TELCOLINE 8888053280 Zelle Support 8888053280 was reported on 25/08/2023 22:46:40
BANDWIDTH 6265652916 Publishers Clearing House
TELCOLINE 8664974002 PAYPAL Impersonation
ONVOY 6602356115 Publishers Clearing House
BANDWIDTH 6147067930 spam caller (says they’re with some cancer organization) suspected scam
BANDWIDTH 2133770649 recovery scammer
BANDWIDTH 7073586992 Amazon Impersonation
COMMIO 4056666640 Amazon Impersonation
BANDWIDTH 8054753647 Amazon Impersonation
405-666-6640 Still Active Online Pharmacy Monday 9-4-23 6:06PM EST
Number Report
INTELIQUENT8662922752 Security camera scammers, Arlo and Ring
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8058341050 Suspected security camera scammers, Arlo and/or Ring
8883166217 security camera scammers, Arlo and/or Ring
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 3099384815 Amazon Impersonation
BANDWIDTH 8052062617 Suspected security camera scammers, Arlo and/or Ring
TELCOLINE 8887133698 This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
BANDWIDTH 7084339951 This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
BANDWIDTH 8663487401 This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
BANDWIDTH 8888138216
Norton Anti-Virus Swindlers
HD CARRIER 8182142122 GeekSqud Support
YMAX COMMUNICATIONS CORP 8016155694 Publishers Clearing House 8016155694 was reported on 31/08/2023 15:43:04
ACEFONE 8557152878 Popup scammer
ACEFONE 8334883438 Popup scam
ACEFONE 8336976205 Popup scam
8042808493 Popup scam
ACEFONE 8334885431 Popup scam
TELCOLINE 8776622450 Popup scam
TWILIO 8888147331 This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information. 8888147331 was reported on 30/08/2023 17:35:26
ONVOY 2678201263 SUSPECTED Amazon
BANDWIDTH 8603335409 GeekSquad Impersonation
BANDWIDTH 8182938504 Norton Francess
RINGCENTRAL 8883837701 Popup scam
8888611836 SUSPECTED PayPal
ONVOY 4808855396 “Steve” from PayPal
BANDWIDTH 2033034283 PayPal scam
TELCOLINE 8334922644 Popup scam
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 5166651863 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 8122987833 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 7547556557 Publishers Clearing House
BANDWIDTH 8778931582 Geeksquad Support
TELCOLINE 8776622450
microsoft popup 8776622450 was reported on 01/09/2023 17:45:16
BANDWIDTH 8663675134 Paypal Support
TWILIO 8888147331 McAfee Support 8888147331 was reported on 01/09/2023 18:41:40
BANDWIDTH 8447890099 Comcast/Xfinity Discount Scam
TELNYX 8043489576 Microsoft Support 8043489576 was reported on 30/08/2023 18:07:25
BANDWIDTH 2036262098 Cash App Support
HD CARRIER 8782309004 Amazon Scam
ONVOY 7866887802 Geek Sqaud
ONVOY 8056082442 Microsoft Imposter
PEERLESS NETWORK 8557528387 Comcast Swindlers
TWILIO 8888147331 Geek Squad Kevin Answers 8888147331 was reported on 01/09/2023 21:31:23
TELCOLINE 8775920167 Amazon Refund Scam
BANDWIDTH 8776455240 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 5164406486 Publishers Clearing House
BANDWIDTH 6017793306 Publishers Clearing House
Number Report
GAMMA TELECOM HOLDINGS3456461126 number answers as NatWest fraud team - automated message
YMAX COMMUNICATIONS CORP 7042492261 suspected Microsoft impersonation
TELCOLINE 8554701478 Paypal Support
ONVOY 5169889332 Publishers Clearing House
HD CARRIER 5186288293 Publishers Clearing House
PEERLESS NETWORK 2064801864 Publishers Clearing House
BANDWIDTH 2026601753 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 5169560643 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 5169889332 Publishers Clearing House 5169889332 was reported on 02/09/2023 01:36:03
TELCOLINE 8776622450 Microsoft Impersonation 8776622450 was reported on 01/09/2023 21:06:02
ONVOY 9175804204
Publishers Clearing House
JAMAICA TEL CO 8767799199 Publishers Clearing House
JAMAICA TEL CO 8763359723 Publishers Clearing House 8763359723 was reported on 26/08/2023 07:05:28
JAMAICA TEL CO 8762239903 Publishers Clearing House
JAMAICA TEL CO 8762310458
Publishers Clearing House’
ONVOY 7547556557
Publishers Clearing House 7547556557 was reported on 01/09/2023 20:46:59
ONVOY 3158245860 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 3158245860 Microsoft Support 3158245860 was reported on 02/09/2023 17:52:58
BANDWIDTH 2026601753
Publishers Clearing House 2026601753 was reported on 02/09/2023 04:23:25
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8103461410 Microsoft Support
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8435644787 Nortons Support
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8435644787 Norton scam Paypal scam text 8435644787 was reported on 02/09/2023 18:30:38
GAMMA TELECOM HOLDINGS 2035972728 Text from saying holding a payment to Halfords of over ÂŁ500 told to ring 02035972728
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 8056182431 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 3149129430 Publishers Clearing House 3149129430 was reported on 24/08/2023 01:06:32
ONVOY 2138000157 fake comcast
ONVOY 8583338222 Coinbase TP
BANDWIDTH 8559178626 Zelle Support
TWILIO 8888611836 Paypal Support 8888611836 was reported on 01/09/2023 19:19:46
ACEFONE 8557152878 Fake Techical Support 8557152878 was reported on 01/09/2023 16:00:05
8883166217 Sunday 9-3-23 12:12AM EST
2026601753 John Carter Carter VM Sunday 9-3-23 12:41AM EST
8662922752 Still Active Sunday 9-3-23 12:54AM EST
8768045380 Still Active Sunday 9-3-223 12:58AM EST
844-520-1045 Still Active Gary Sunday 9-3-23 7:43AM EST
<3 this reporting system. love being connected to it. blasting away these hoodrats and Jamaican battsyboy is inspired passion. And thank you Firefighter You always have the best audio of these pests.
How much are the rates to Jamaican ?
I have no idea, I just call to verify if the number is still active. From what I just found there 28 cents a minute. But I have no idea.
So I just called the 876 number again and they answered, the same way it answered earlier. I was on 25 secs and it didn’t take anything from me. So I have no idea what it would charge.
Just checked my balance and it showed .12 that was used.
same rates as me. which is awesome
That’s cool, but you’ll be on the phone longer than I will so it may eat you up fast if your using a paid number.