Daily number reports

I like to flash there numbers like short duration calls but my carrier bills for that.

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Ok, it was just FYI

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Thank you :slight_smile: You know there gonna call Saul lol

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Your welcome!. Anytime
Can you send me a DM, I tried to send you one, but it says your not available.

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We all need to fight these scammers with precision and smarts. My parts more of taking down the carriers & reporting 100+ numbers some days. In two weeks I have many reports. That’s on my own private server.

I just wanted to have direct contact with you, so if I had something to talk to you about I wouldn’t have to let it be known publicly.

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Knowledge is power!!! and power is money. and well scammers are just pathetic

202-660-1753 Sunday 9-3-23 10:45AM EST

Number Report

LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 5166651863 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 3158352030 Publishers Clearing House 3158352030 was reported on 01/08/2023
HD CARRIER 9166561530 Publishers Clearing House
JAMAICA TEL CO 8767814920 Publishers Clearing House
JAMAICA TEL CO 8762253580 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 7246480825 Coinbase Support
ONVOY 5173054535 Facebook Customer Service
BANDWIDTH 8103283813 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 5089752411 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 4798956834 Publishers Clearing House
PEERLESS NETWORK 2312213826 fake credit card scam 2312213826 was reported on 30/08/2023 22:26:34
BANDWIDTH 8889944239 Credit Card Skimming
ONVOY 8143288788 Yahoo Support
ONVOY 8143288788 Yahoo vogger imposter 8143288788 was reported on 03/09/2023 10:00:18
ONVOY 9175804204
Publishers Clearing House 9175804204 was reported on 02/09/2023 05:09:45
GAMMA TELECOM HOLDINGS 3330344250 Text message - “HOLD : Payment £563.88 to HALFORDS At 11:56am on 03/09/2023 has been placed on hold please call 03330344250 REF KYD0095”
BANDWIDTH 2026601753

Publishers Clearing House 2026601753 was reported on 02/09/2023 17:54:32
PEERLESS NETWORK 5854383498 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 9293390189 Publishers Clearing House
PEERLESS NETWORK 9148733005 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 8204001307 Paypal Support
BANDWIDTH 8558109092 Zelle Impersonation

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844-520-1045 Still Active John Sunday 9-3-23 6:16PM EST

916-655-4135 Still Active Harry Sunday 9-3-23 6:20PM EST

Will put them into the system for verification and keep the numbers on file for the future.

Number Report

TWILIO 8889981570 Windows PopUp
TWILIO 8889981570 windows popup 8889981570 was reported on 04/09/2023 01:19:29
ONVOY 7189737219 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 7547556557 Publishers Clearing House 7547556557 was reported on 02/09/2023 17:52:36
ONVOY 8602178590 Fake Airline 8602178590 was reported on 26/07/2023
CALLTURE 8556041500 Quickbooks Support
AVOXI 8882125430 Quickbooks Support
INTELIQUENT 8553040190 Chime Support 8553040190 was reported on 28/08/2023 23:23:24
ONVOY 8484568152 chime support
BANDWIDTH 8779743127 Chime Support
TELCOLINE 8556304438 Gemini Support
TELCOLINE 8445201044 Chime Support 8445201044 was reported on 30/08/2023 17:03:37
TELCOLINE 8778516601 Robinhood Support
TELCOLINE 8334922517 Chime Support
INTELIQUENT 8886561277 Chime Support 8886561277 was reported on 29/08/2023 23:42:22
INTELIQUENT 8339480399 Apple Support
INTELIQUENT 8339892911 Apple Support 8339892911 was reported on 06/08/2023
ONVOY 5169560643 Publishers Clearing House 5169560643 was reported on 02/09/2023 04:24:25
ONVOY 8022423324 Facebook Impersonation
INTELIQUENT 8889781554 Facebook Support
TELCOLINE 8446752018 Facebook Support
HD CARRIER 8057066073 Facebook Impersonation HD carrier again.
LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 9185348411 Counterfeit viagra pharm sales.
TELCOLINE 8886826723 Geek Squad Scammers
ONVOY 8088009816 Paypal Support
ONVOY 8088009816 paypal TN 8088009816 was reported on 04/09/2023 19:45:31
ONVOY 8038206238 Impersonating Arlo online support in order to commit fraud
ONVOY 8083785574 Impersonating Arlo customer support
HD CARRIER 8028099101 Impersonating Amazon
BANDWIDTH 8557852412 Zelle Impersonation
INTELIQUENT 8884184016 Apple Scammers 8884184016 was reported on 22/08/2023 20:37:30

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(888) No answer
(808) Dead

(802) Dead
(888) Answering
(844) Hold Music.
(805) No answer

(888) No answer
(808) Dead

(802) No answer

(888) Dead

405-666-6640 Still Active Online Pharmacy Monday 9-4-23 6:06PM EST

855-304-0190 John Monday 9-4-23 6:34PM EST

855-630-4438 John Monday 9-4-23 6:37PM EST

833-656-2911 Paul Monday 9-4-23 6:41PM EST

888-978-1554 Monday 9-4-23 6:43PM EST

803-820-6238 Monday 9-4-23 6:49PM EST

802-809-9101 Eric Monday 9-4-23 6:51PM EST

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(803) 820-6238 blocks me as soon as i ask if he likes women. :rofl: :joy:
(855) 630-4438 John liked the idea of G.B Road’s :thinking: :thinking:
(833) 656-2911 is shut down.
(888) 978-1554 Facebook doesn’t like gift cards being offered.

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876-804-5380 Still Active Tuesday 9-5-23 7:51AM EST

844-520-1045 (Gemini) Still Active John Tuesday 9-5-23 7:53AM EST

855-630-4438 (Gemini) Still Active John Tuesday 9-5-23 8:09AM EST

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844-675-2018 Still Active Tuesday 9-5-23 9:46AM EST

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Number Report

JAMAICA TEL CO 8762219011 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 8038206238 Eric from Gemini TN 8038206238 was reported on 04/09/2023 19:48:41
BANDWIDTH 9137327865 Fake Pharmacy FDA unapproved
ONVOY 6317062503 Publishers Clearing House
ONVOY 9292200281 Publishers Clearing House
HD CARRIER 8028099101 Amazon Customer Care 8028099101 was reported on 04/09/2023 20:27:15
ONVOY 8122987833 Publishers Clearing House 8122987833 was reported on 01/09/2023 20:45:36
ONVOY 5165316633 Publishers Clearing House 5165316633 was reported on 06/08/2023
BANDWIDTH 8312567955 Coinbase Support
INTELIQUENT 8553040190 Chime Support 8553040190 was reported on 04/09/2023 17:45:18
HD CARRIER 8182141123 paypal support
HD CARRIER 8182141124 This scammer claims that they are Amazon TV activation services, however, they are only impersonating Amazon Prime in an attempt to capture people’s account details and financial information.
TELCOLINE 8553000151 Microsoft Scammers
BANDWIDTH 8889945972 Social Security Administration
TELCOLINE 8334922433 Reported to be a number used in a popup scam
ACEFONE 8888750144 Reported to be a number used in a popup scam
TWILIO 8666860318 Geeksquad Support
PEERLESS NETWORK 8044804504 Reported to be a number used in a popup scam
ONVOY 5303509804 Reported to be a number used in a popup scam
ONVOY 5303509804 Reported to be a number used in a popup scam TN 5303509804 was reported on 05/09/2023 22:54:41
PLIVO 8334842797 Quickbooks Impersonation
RINGCENTRAL 8775134989 Reported to be a number used in a popup scam
ACEFONE 8888750145 Reported to be a number used in a popup scam
ACEFONE 8888750479 fake PayPal customer service, as seen at https://www.the-pal-help-service.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwo9unBhBTEiwAipC11weXHYcERnlBHjRe-oUw_QaloSDlS2P-EVXdy79Z2kxoMR9BpAzl2hoCanMQAvD_BwE and https://www.we-pal-help-service.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwo9unBhBTEiwAipC11wq2d968BDdST5f0Y9GzJELeJ1OivGyqedNuKa8UYCj-DUjlWFg6dhoC5yAQAvD_BwE
HD CARRIER 8455609014 Nortons Fake Subscription