Credit card fraud charge

Domain Used:

Fraud charges on credit card from CLEARMARKETSOLUTIONCOM 866-9488689 UT which is categorized as MANAGEMENT, CONSULTING, AND PUBLIC RELATION S company. Website:

The physical address listed on their website


409 Utah Ave, Provo, UT 84606 and it is a residential address (409 S Utah Ave E, Provo, UT 84606 | MLS# 1641414 | Redfin

) and not an office space.
And the Godaddy hosting shows the website belongs to a registrant in India:
Registrant Organization: InkGraph Techno Pvt Ltd

Registrant State/Province: Madhya Pradesh Registrant Country: IN

Note that InkGraph Techno Pvt Ltd has contact info listed as Ink Graph Techno LLC (Privacy Policy - Inkgraph Techno | Web Development & Design Services) which according to BBB ( is owned by these repeat offenders (Indian "Joshi" family has many scams). Their Florida address is just a virtual office address in the Datex building.

A simple google search shows that three other websites list the same address


(409 Utah Ave,

Provo, UT 84606) as their contact address. Those three websites are ; and
And these websites are registered to a Registrant Organization: Nova Tech Ops LLC
Registrant State/Province: Utah

Registrant Country: US

A search on for information on this LLC shows these details: NOVA TECH OPS, LLC
Update this Business
Entity Number: 11995222-0160

Company Type: LLC - Domestic Address:


409 Utah Ave Provo, UT 84606 State of Origin:
Registered Agent: Savannah Easterling
Registered Agent Address:
409 Utah Ave
Provo, UT 84606
View Management Team
Status: Active
Purchase Certificate of Existence Status: Active as of 10/21/2020
Renew By: 10/31/2022
Status Description: Current

Additional Information
NAICS Code: 4541 NAICS Title: 4541-Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order

All these websites “provide” SEO/web services. Looks like the Joshis are back with more fraudulent websites to add to their existing list provided by @drwat


Digging further down this fraud rabbit hole:

Other websites by these scammers: ; Merchant Account Service Provider in Boston
The same Malden address is used by this website as well:
Also at the same Malden address is: About Us | Malden, MA | Sunrise Postal Services

Domain Name:
Domains By Proxy, LLC Registrant State/Province: Arizona Registrant Country: US
Name Server: NS1.INKGRAPH.IN Name Server: NS2.INKGRAPH.IN

They have also used registered under RHAA LLC, also in Utah :


Joshi family scammers (Indore city, Madhya Pradesh, India) back after two years


Back with not only tech scams but also stealing credit card info and more scam llcs


I need a help in a case related to those guys, anyone can help?

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I own a online store, I got a merchant account and payment processor from:

Broad-payment . com after I checked them, They are the same people who have companyincorp . org

After a little bit research i found this thread that they have the same address.

What can i do, and will they scam me by stealing my fund as a merchant account with them or do they steal the customers credit cards?

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Can you share what information you have on these two sites? If you do care about your customer’s information (and your financial info) and if it’s indeed the same people involved in this previous fraud then don’t use them.

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@drwat @scamreporter12

Sure, I will never ever sign any contract with them or ever use their financial services.

Available Information: I was looking for a payment processor for my online store, I Found Broad Payment, when they called me back The call came from the phone number “Ann” (617) 545-9902.

I checked the phone number on Google Search, I found their website companyincorp . org

I made a check on SemRush for Backlinks pointing to this domain I found this threat. So thank you, you saved my life and my customers also, I saw this thread before continuing with them.

You mentioned that “The same Malden address is used by this website as well:” which the same website that have the phone number who called me from Broad Payment.

Though, Broad Payment is a reseller for a payment processor. I am not sure who provide them, but i think they get the reseller accounts from NMI Payment.

So Broad-Payment . com are the same guys who have companyincorp . com , and company incorp share on their website the same address of merchantstronghold.

So the point here, Merchant Strong Hold are a reseller of NMI Payment, I could know that because on domain analysis i found that Merchant Strong Hold point to a domain name and this domain belongs to NMI Payment Resellers access portal.

a little bit more research i found they built an EMPIRE network of Merchant services, Companies formations and Technologies companies.

If they are a really scammers, I wish if somebody can bait them those bad guys. I am shocked on the numbers of websites they are doing to scam people.