Are you missing roles?

I have updated your roles, you had the verified role

Thank you kindly.

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I used to have both the Trusted and Well known role

I think I had “Verified”, “Well Known” and “Trusted” before, but I only see a green circle around my profile logo.


You both have the correct roles (Trusted and verified), there is no “well known” role anymore

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Sorry for the confusion. I always was used to knowing who had what role by seeing the badges and such. I’m still adapting to the new change (p.s., we needed this change). Thanks for letting me know.

Had trusted and now have lost it.

thank you very much

i believe I lost either my verified/trusted and well known role, also I seem to have lost my profile picture so I’ll have to fix that too

Thanks who ever updated the role.

You haven’t lost your trusted role

You haven’t lost your trusted role

I got it back now.

Roles missing. Thanks for your help.


hmm, maybe a bug on my end. i have no idea lol. i seem to have them back now

I think I had the verified badge at one point, but I’m not 100% sure.

What are these Roles?

My posts are still moderated? Rolls missing?

what roles did you have? @davidclark

verified? or scam buster? i just noticed posts are still moderated and have to be approved

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