Amazon Prime Text (805) 259-3621

Scam Number: (805) 259-3621
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam:

Arrived:We’ll charged $772.50 for Prime - Activation , from your card Act-info. #RX9T0QP587FD, If it is not you? helpline-18052593621. Report us!


805-259-3621 Friday 6-14-24 4:08PM EST


Got the same earlier. :smiley:


Wanted me to use Connentwise Control on my iphone


They send me an OTP and demanded I give it to them. LOL


you should given them your Bank account number and Pin too :smiley:


These scammers are once again using TNs on the network of Lumen/Century Link! This is quite an infamous carrier used by Amazon scammers, PenPal scammers and other foreign impersonators. I’ve been getting dozens of such emails from them, as well as texts.
Lumen was already held accountable for such issues: Cease and Desist Letter to CenturyLink Communications, LLC | Federal Trade Commission (

You should send legal demand to Lumen’s executive team to hold these scammers accountable: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

I’d use the following language:

Dear Executive Team of Lumen,

I am writing to you as a concerned citizen who has been directly affected by the actions of individuals using Lumen Telecom’s services to impersonate Amazon. On multiple occasions, I have been targeted by scammers who exploit your telecommunications platform to perpetrate fraudulent schemes under the guise of Amazon services or other entities.

These scammers have employed various deceptive tactics, including phishing emails, fraudulent phone calls, and text messages, all aimed at tricking unsuspecting consumers like myself into divulging sensitive personal information or making unauthorized payments. Not only have these actions caused me significant distress and inconvenience, but they also pose a serious threat to my privacy and financial security.

It is evident that Lumen Telecom’s failure to address these issues effectively has allowed these fraudulent activities to persist, putting countless consumers at risk of falling victim to scams and identity theft. Furthermore, it is alarming to note that Lumen, also known as CenturyLink, has previously been issued Cease and Desist Notices by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for enabling robocalls, indicating a pattern of possible disregard for consumer protection laws and regulations.

Therefore, I demand that Lumen Telecom take immediate and decisive action to:

Implement robust measures to identify and block unauthorized usage of your services for fraudulent purposes, particularly those involving the impersonation of reputable brands like Amazon.

Conduct a thorough investigation into the source of these fraudulent activities within your client base, and take appropriate disciplinary actions against any individuals or entities found to be complicit in these schemes.

Cooperate fully with law enforcement authorities and regulatory agencies to hold accountable those responsible for perpetrating scams through your telecommunications platform.

Provide affected consumers with timely and transparent communication regarding the steps being taken to address these issues and protect their interests.

Failure to address these concerns in a prompt and satisfactory manner will compel me to explore alternative legal options. Additionally, I reserve the right to pursue all available legal remedies to seek restitution for any damages incurred as a result of Lumen Telecom’s failure to address these issues.

I trust that you will treat this matter with the seriousness and urgency it deserves, and take immediate action to rectify the situation. The safety and security of your customers should always be your top priority.


[Your Name]

Target Text (805) 259-3621 - Scammers / Refund scams - TechScammersUnited - Scambait forum


Done @scamterminator2021 – I also included Amazon and the FTC on the email.


Callback 936-305-6659.

Note, this guy likes my character “Jennifer” but I told him I am a dude using a voice changer.
His pet name is “little clown” in case any of you fine gentlemen want to give him a call! LOL


LOVELY! You should also forward it to Amazon execs:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

You can share multiple examples of Amazon impersonation with them and VOIP telecom turning a blind eye to it.


This is the one and only carrier that we all “love” - ONVOY!


YUP! fking useless telecomms.


Oh, they are definitely not useless to their execs and shareholders. These fat cats of Wall Street generate billions off scams and spammers harassing the US public daily. It mostly comes to the following ones turning a blind eye to illegal robocalls: Century Link/Lumen, Onvoy/Inteliquent/Sinch, Peerless Network/InfoBip. There are some smaller ones, too, but they aren’t as bad. I don’t blame all telcos, but I blames these particular scumbags for turning a blind eye to robocalls and scams!


Well said my friend!

These corps are only interested in a single thing.


Thank you!


I did forward my email to these execs too. Here was the quick response from Amazon:

Thanks for notifying Amazon about the suspicious communication you received.

We take your report seriously and investigate every one we receive. We use it to identify bad actors and take action against them. However, you might not hear from us again about your submission. If you need additional help related to your Amazon account, please contact Customer Service through the Amazon website or mobile app.


Great! I think the key to resolving this issue of criminal negligence and complacency of certain VOIP carriers is to keep applying societal pressure on them, keep copying authorities on all communication and keep exposing their negligent behavior with emphasis on potential litigation.

I would like employees and leaders of such organizations to feel a certain level of discomfort for turning a blind eye to illicit conduct. They still refuse to answer this one simple question of mine: “What is the EXACT reason why your Indian, Pakistani, Filipino and other foreign clients are provided US telephone numbers and are not held accountable by you? What EXACT business do they have calling an average American person like me? I have no relatives in either of these nations, and I have no desire or need to talk to any of these individuals”


I think they’ve caught onto what is happening. They didn’t even connect before the guy on the line with me was told something in hindi and promptly hung up.


Talking to Kevin. Screen connect


Also text message from Target egift card. Kevin Chaudhry.
Ghuni near Kolkata