24/7 Techies are Supported by Microsoft

So, recently I made a post reporting on 24/7 Techies: http://scammer.info/d/34520-24-7-techies-hunt-information

Read that if you don't know who they, Eureka Technology Partners, Techies.com, and 911tech.co actually are. If you do however, you probably know that 24/7 Techies is listed as a Microsoft Support Provider (for the actual Microsoft ) . Which means that unsuspecting people on Microsoft's website could (and would) get rerouted to their site.

On the Microsoft site, they are described to be located in Nevada, which isn't true at all, they are actually located somewhere in Sri Lanka. I feel as though it is extremely important that we report their scams to Microsoft. Together, we should create an email to write to Microsoft and report 24/7 Techies' scams so that their A+ Ranked Support Provider Status is taken down.

Original Report: http://scammer.info/d/34520-24-7-techies-hunt-information
61 Page Generated Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qluqGUcJdOfgcambYX8VSZGK5-sUy1ha/view
24/7 Techies: https://www.247techies.com/
247 Techies Microsoft Solution Provider Page: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/solution-providers/partnerdetails/247-techies-private-limited_490f6e88-0318-47a2-96f0-608fd9aa168e/df5e7a54-5b8a-412c-b587-13ac0c7baa33

@1888TechLineOfficial#136082 I’m confused by “This isn’t really support”.

What isn't?

@1888TechLineOfficial#136106 Oh ok, thanks!