@MehNamesJeff or @Tillianne, you can use the following template I use
Dear NUSO Team,
I am writing to formally demand immediate action from NUSO regarding the harassing robocalls originating from your clients, which have been persistently contacting me on [Your Phone Number], a number I have been using for several years. These robocalls, particularly those promoting a “Free $100 gift card” scam, are not only intrusive but also illegal and in violation of various telecommunications laws and regulations, such as TSR and TCPA.
Based on my research, the carrier responsible for these illegal activities is NUSO, which has garnered a notorious reputation within the industry for enabling illegal foreign robocallers and scammers, as evidenced by numerous reviews and reports. NUSO, owned by Brightlink Communications, LLC, has been issued Cease and Desist Notices by regulatory authorities for its complicity in such misconduct, as documented by the Federal Trade Commission’s warning regarding assisting and facilitating illegal robocalls.
These unsolicited calls are not only disruptive but have caused significant emotional distress to me. Despite repeated attempts to block these calls and report them to my carrier, as well as to regulatory authorities including the FCC, FTC, and others, the harassment persists unabated.
Therefore, I demand the following actions be taken immediately:
NUSO must cease and desist all contacts originating from its robocalling clients, as I have not provided prior written consent (PWC) for such communications.
NUSO must implement measures to block my number [Your Phone Number] from being contacted by any of its clients engaged in illegal or harassing robocalling activities.
Furthermore, I urge NUSO to review its policies and practices regarding the sale of telephone numbers to ensure that they are not being used by foreign scammers and spammers to harass individuals within the United States.
Please be advised that failure to comply with these demands will leave me no choice but to pursue all available legal remedies against NUSO and its clients involved in these unlawful activities. This includes seeking injunctive relief to prevent further harassment, as well as pursuing damages for the emotional distress caused.
I expect a written response to this demand letter within [reasonable timeframe], outlining the steps NUSO will take to address and resolve this matter. Failure to respond or take appropriate action will be viewed as a deliberate disregard for my rights and will be dealt with accordingly.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] and [Your Email Address].