"Your Shipment is here at John F. K. Airport New York" 419 SCAM

Email sender: Williams Robinson ([email protected], [email protected])
Email title: Your Shipment is here at John F. K. Airport New York
"Hey, beneficiary my name is Williams Robinson, A diplomatic delivery agent
from john f Kennedy international airport I have crossed checked your details
with the information stated on the official documents received from United
Nations office in Geneva attached and have confirmed that you are the actual
beneficiary to receive the consignment being held here at John F. Kennedy
International Airport New York USA to ensure the full protection of you and me
I would respectfully request we maintain confidentiality for this consignment
worth $10.5 million United States Dollars Furthermore, for you to have full
confidence of the existence of this consignment I have attached to this email
confidential copy of the United States Customs Ultra Scan Report(For Your Eyes
Only) which indicates that the trunk box have been scanned and confirmed to
be filled with valuable monetary instrument worth millions of dollars and in
order for me to negotiate with the airport vault authorities for the release
of the with-held package to you

I will go ahead and pay for the Non Inspection Charges of $3,800 which was the
main reason the consignment was with-held by the John F. Kennedy
International Airport authorities here in John F. Kennedy Airport since these
charges were not paid by the diplomatic agent delivering this consignment to
you Please note that once I have been able to clear these release
requirements, I shall higher Diplomatic delivery vehicle to your city to
deliver these box to you but you have to assure me that my own share of the
funds which is 30% of the total value will be given to me on my arrival

I will go ahead and pay for the Non Inspection Charges and concluded
negotiations for the release of the consignment to you which could be
completed later today but you have to assure me once again that my own share
of the money will be given to me as I am taking a big risk doing this
processing on your behalf I would respectfully request that you keep the
contents of our communication confidential

I am making use of the opportunity since i will be retiring soon without
anyone knowing about it, Unless you reveal it to a third party, which I would
strongly advise you never to do so and remember Loose Lips Sink Ships, I will
call you or receive your call on appointment for a very important issue Do
send me a copy of any government issued ID showing your full name and phone
number to enable me proceed with the clearance process. Please reconfirm your
details such as

  1. Full Names
  2. Residential Address
  3. Mobile Number
  4. Scan Copy of your Id or photograph

Yours Sincerely
Mr. William Robinson Diplomatic Delivery Agent
Email address…… [email protected]
Telephone number….+1718-673-9500" (TextPlus line)