Popup - http://vu0j.com/QgLe7uE
Registered by Valtteri Serimaa in Marbella, Spain via NameCheap on December 2, 2021 - Whois vu0j.com
Associated Phone Number- (410) 881-6917
Associated Email Address - [email protected]
Popup redirects to Support Chat (trackztoolz.com)
Registered via NameCheap on June 1, 2022 - Whois trackztoolz.com
The website will claim your parcel has a damaged label and asks if you live at a personal or business address
Users are then redirected to Congratulations (bigtimeonlinestore.com)
Registered in Florida via eNom LLC on March 23, 2022 - Whois bigtimeonlinestore.com
Users are then asked to provide their
- Name
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Physical Address
- Credit Card Information