"You received a $ 100 card as a gift!" TROJAN

[color=#FF00]Link (Dangerous): BTC4YOU! (crypto-forall.xyz) [/color]

Registered via NameCheap on Cinco de Mayo, 2022 - Whois crypto-forall.xyz

[color=#FF0000]VirusTotal -[/color] VirusTotal - File - 1460c30c555e304e318d324b61b24583884497fd911051cf8303a851830a0f02

[color=#FF0000]Any.Run -[/color] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/xemouk1akfhgfue/%24100_BTC_Voucher_9.xlsb - Interactive analysis - ANY.RUN


Popup downloads a dangerous Excel spreadsheet containing the Valyria trojan. The malware also appears to have been developed by the same team behind the VSnipe cheat for Valorant.

Associated YouTube Channel - VSnipe - YouTube