"You have been selected as the winner of the June Verify Event" Discord SCAM

Popup - http://www-rsblox.com/users/291728/profile

A WhoIs lookup reveals the domain was registered via NameSilo on May 13, 2021 - Whois www-rsblox.com

Popup is a fake Roblox profile page, complete with a fake login window that redirects you to a fake 2-factor authentication page. Completing both will take you to your official Roblox page.

They operate out of Phoenix too, probably a vpn. this is a leased/restaurant location

Not a VPN, https://www.privacyguardian.org/ is protecting their details.
When registering a domain you have to provide certain information that will show up on who.is providing information or you can hide that information like they have done.

It is noticed that it is a fake roblox link