Xbalti Phishing Kit. -> Amazon and Chase

The 30th of September I found amazon phishing which was created by XBALTI. The information were posted at SBS. So the kit gets popular and mostly of amazon phishings are based on xbalti one. Research XBALTI phishing is 90% easy than other. Telegram groups like Must Leak leaked files on XBALTI. By research similar phishings I seen too XBALTI exists in chase phishing.
XBALTI’s Signature:

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Amazon Information :

Home Amazon Folder → /amazon/
Administration Panel → /admin/index.php
Administration Panel Results → /admin/rezulta.php
Anti Bots → /amazon/antibots.php
Get Browser Name → /amazon/XBALTI/get_browser.php (The file was seen in analytics.php, a file for work in Fake pop up → Screenshot by Lightshot .)
Here are all files in /XBALTI/ Folder:

Chase Information :