Scam Number: (771) 474-8342
Carrier: T-Mobile
The scammer sent a fraudulent text message to my cell phone, which is on the do-not-call registry, posing as a woman named “Diana” and asking if I was a yoga instructor. I did try calling the number directly, but all my calls were sent to the “like-a-mobile voice message system”
Afterwards, they will introduce themselves as a 40-year-old Singaporean working in the cosmetics trade in California, asking how my day was and what field I currently work in.
I was then asked if I have enough time to spend with my family and they responded by being a broken record. My bait never progressed any further due to no response being received within the span of 24 hours, though the number is still technically active at the time of writing.
If the conversation did proceed further, I would presume the individual would lure me into a fraudulent investment platform, which would only allow me to dig as deep as possible into an active pig butcher scam operation.