Walmart SSA (202) 239-8156

Scam Number: verified (202) 239-8156
Scammer’s Website or Email: robocall
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Walmart order $$99 for a fridge…case goes to bank HQ and SSA


I called and brightened their morning with their family history, starting at the dog with worms. When I try to call back to the MagicJack number it won’t even connect the call now. Is this number down now?


Still answering


oh i love the ssa using Magic Jack


michelle anderson and eric kressman
IP Address
India, Ahmedabad
Orientation portrait-primary
Timezone Asia/Calcutta GMT+5:30
User Time Tue Jul 23 2024 22:37:54 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
Language en-IN
Incognito/Private Window No
Ad Blocker No
Screen Size 384 x 832 @ 60Hz
Colour Scheme Light
HDR Screen No


Eric Kressman fake badge


LOL a three year old could make a better ID. Nice find


On June 13, 2024, a 73-year-old Harford County woman received an unsolicited email from [email protected], purportedly from Eric Kressman of the Office of the Inspector General. The email claimed that the victim was the target of identity theft. Shortly after, the victim received an unsolicited telephone call from an individual identifying himself as “Willy Le,” identifying himself as an employee of the Social Security Administration. Le convinced the victim that to protect her money, she needed to transfer it to him. Le had detailed information about the victim’s bank accounts and urged her to keep the situation confidential, even requesting her to sign a non-disclosure form, which she refused.

Following Le’s instructions, the victim made several transactions over a five-week period, including deposits into a bitcoin machine and purchases of gold. She met with the suspects on five different occasions to hand over the gold and cash, resulting in a total loss of over a million dollars.

Following the initial report, the investigation was turned over to financial crimes detectives with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division. Through investigation, it was determined the suspects used a silver Chevrolet Equinox registered to Devalkumar Harshadkumar Vyas when meeting with the victim. As the investigation progressed, Vyas, along with his wife Mamata D. Vyas, were found to be involved in a similar crime in New York state. Both husband and wife were arrested on
July 10, 2024, by the New York State Police and charged in their jurisdiction.

Devalkumar Vyas was interviewed by Harford County detectives on July 31, 2024, and admitted involvement in these fraudulent activities…