Scam Number: (650) 514-3627 (650) 514-3661
Scammer’s Website or Email: none
Additional information about this scam: Triggered.
Post was found on findwho:
Then I found another on robo.
CALLBACK with Flora:
Scam Number: (650) 514-3627 (650) 514-3661
Scammer’s Website or Email: none
Additional information about this scam: Triggered.
Post was found on findwho:
Then I found another on robo.
CALLBACK with Flora:
(650) 514-3627
Lahore Pakistan.
One ring then silence, keep holding on they will pick up
Femchodes answering…what do you say to keep them on the line?
They send out text messages about a charge on your Walmart card.
Pakistanis say that someone charged a play station on your Walmart account. If you tell him you don’t have a Walmart account, it morphs into identity theft. Either way it winds up with the FTC… you’re accused of money laundering… Same old script.
It’s interesting, J.
The lady from Walmart, the other lady from my bank, Wells Fargo, and the FTC officer all have Pakistani accents.
What are the odds?
That’s another one for them. I have a list of, perhaps, two dozen more numbers for them, but I’m not home