Registered via NameCheap on June 7, 2024 (Updated June 12, 2024) - Whois
Associated Phone Number - (830) 431-9763
The popup is a fake USA Today article for Ketobod Keto, a fraudulent weight loss supplement sold for $64.99. Users are asked to save by purchasing in quantities of 2 or3, though users are really signed up for an auto-shipment program that they cannot cancel or unsubscribe from, as well as an optional “monthly health and fitness magazine” for an additional $19.93.
Essence Vibe Health is a fraudulent health marketplace that falsely claims to operate from a single-family residence in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The scammers are also known to operate as
- Vitalize Wellness, LLC at a separate Sheridan, Wyoming address under the leadership of Andrew Piece since June 11, 2024.
- Body Fuel, LLC
- Power Outreach, LLC, DBA “Healthy Lifestyle Today,” “Healthier Life Today” and “Happy Healthy Helper” from 30 N. Gould St., Sheridan, Wyoming.
- SlimVita, LLC, which is also under the leadership of Andrew Pierce.
- Proton Wellness, LLC,
The scammers have previously been reported to since June 21, 2024.
Associated Phone Numbers:
- (307) 219-0737 (
- (307) 241-5796 (
- (307) 316-5063 (
- (800) 905-4336 (
- (307) 395-0642 (
- (307) 225-9273 (
- (307) 219-1333 (
Associated Email Addresses: