Visa alert scam (231) 354-2285

Scam Number: (231) 354-2285
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam:
Fake Gucci perfume order at Amazon


I call and he answers with ‘Hi, MF’r’ and hangs up. It sound like he is having what scambaiters might call ‘A lovely day’


I buy nothing other than Gucci merchandise, Doc!

  • Phone Number: 231-354-2285
  • Date of this Report: June 04, 2024
  • Phone Line Type: VOIP
  • Phone Company: SKYPE
  • Phone Location: CORAL, MI

I’m calling for the first time.

I just today had gotten a new TextMe phone number and for the first time I used it to call this phone number. The area code for this new TextMe phone number is for northerwestern California, for example an area code for Humboldt, California.

Okay, a woman answered with only “hello” and she had a foreign accent when speaking English. I said, “Hello, I am calling Visa about an Amazon order.” IMMEDIATELY a foreign guy must have gotten on the call and yelled, “This is Dean Cooper, motherfreaker!” I said, “Did I dial the wrong number? I’m trying to call Visa.” He HUNG UP. I could understand her and him when they spoke English.

He then called me back to my new TextMe phone number and yelled something that I could not understand and then he hung up. On this call when he called me back, I am not sure if he was trying to speak English or if he was speaking in a foreign language that is not English.

What does it take to get these lazy criminals to try to scam me?

These criminals are lazy-bones!


So they are claiming to be one of the (at most)1200 people, in Coral? Interesting because that is extremely rural and those people don’t play games, they dig deep holes and plant a tree.


No @CatMan, he did not say he is in Coral, Michigan. I just looked up the phone number at the URL below and found the carrier and location of this phone number.

I bet he is in a foreign country. The woman and he had a foreign accent. Who knows though, maybe the small town of Coral in Michigan has these two criminals living in it.

I think though that a Skype VOIP phone number is accessed online via the internet and therefore he might not be in Coral, MI. I do not know if the “location” information in the website below is accurate for a Skype VOIP phone number.

Why didn’t he or the woman try to scam me? Maybe they have been getting harassed and/or baited and therefore they are pissed off and are stupidly acting rudely to callers.


Did the exact same thing for me