Travel scam moron

Scam Number: (332) 600-8037
Ask for Troy :grin:

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A good Samaritan left a VM
“Indian scammers will rob you!”

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I almost wet my pants, Doc!

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Another fake agent, same call center 332-600-8879


8037 - no answer (Voicemail: n/a)
8879 - no answer (Voicemail: simply says person i’m trying to call isn’t available and to just leave a voicemail)

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8037 let it ring 7 times and you will hear the hacked VM
8879 is hacked too but VM not changed (yet)

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my app tends to crash for a split second here and there, happened with 8037 that’s why I couldn’t hear the voicemail, but I knew they weren’t going to answer so I couldn’t be arsed to call again. Talkatone used to be good. :frowning:

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Both numbers VM hacked by a “good Samaritan”
8879 is Indian female fake Selena. I think she will be available on Monday

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8037 answering as reservations!! “Troy” answered lmfao.


8037 now only ringing once for me before call drops. :frowning:
It was only just getting fun, I was only just getting started.

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(332) 600-8037 let it ring 7 times

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:grin::joy::rofl: Some people make life easier!!

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“A lonely caller” intercepted call

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:joy::joy::rofl::fist:t3: That’s some funny stuff, right there, Doc. +2 points

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Still answering

332-600-8879 Fake Selena still active.
Overheard a victim

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I’ve heard that before, what is that all about?

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The lady paid for the air travel but no tickets issued. Scammer (fake Selena) never check her voice messages.

I mean like when I hear messages on random scam numbers saying “Indians scammers will rob you”

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Some scambaiter has hacked that VM and left his/her signature message.