Trader Impersonator into Steam helper/Steam admin, steam database item validation scam

Yes this is a mouth full, but this combines 2 different scripts into one. Raw recording (Pretty boring, but I noticed that they have a set maximum time of 1h to get things done):

(these are all links so you can see potential other site activity)

First, I got added by ( (Impersonator of Steam Community :: لöКєЯ), where he offered to buy 4 of my most expensive TF2 items and let me offer him a price, but needed to ofc validate the items in order to stay safe.

I needed to add the steam admin/helper ( who only talked in the foreign language of “scary console font” who went through with the scam with threats like “my account could get deleted” and messed they messed up the trade to have the wrong items in them, which I reported and made then make a second trade, which I also reported.

curiously enough they used a discordapp gif for the admim showing the “scroll over profile and show ban options”.

The third account used for sending the trade offers was (, which sent 2 different trade offers with ~$80-$90 in value.

Normally I would have expected them to go from a Impersonator into a Manco store bot impersonation, as that technically saves 1 account per scam potentially getting banned.

I sadly blanked at the wrong time and didnt have a good troll to make these guys super mad. I kind of followed their scam the entire time and never really went too off course too much aside from tip toeing around accepting the trade offer. So if you gonna bait these guys make sure to set a timer @1h.

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