The most legitterest pharmacy in all of toyland, Noddy!!!
For all your tasty hard drugs, MDMA, Ecstacy, Liquid Oxy morphine blends & coming soon crack cocaine, in convenient party pack quantities
Have a happy involuntary coma!!
Legit Pharmacy, Jersey City. 91 vind-ik-leuks. you can find all varieties of the hardest to the softest drugs on the market, even better, they'll be delivered at your doorstep with 100% anonymity, we...
I expect nothing less from leftoid commie filth Mark Suckaturd & that band of merry losers
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I was just sitting here playing Black Sabbath at 78 speed man…and I saw god!
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Damn, not playing it backwards?
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I was for a while, but the purple & green elephants walking up the walls didn’t like it and started holding each others trunks singing kum-bah-yah in protest
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