I encountered this scam a couple times already: It’s a tinder profile that links to a instagram account. They’ll start a converstation, telling you they’re a cam model and ask you to go on their website, where you have to register your credit card informations and so on.
According to whois the site is based in Panama and if you just go to https://ghrkps.com the site is disguised as customer support, so they probably doing more types of scams with this.
Here the contact infos of their customer support site:
I’ve also encountered this multiple times. They have really stepped their game up I talked with a girl for 2 days and she seemed pretty real and when she sent the link I asked for a verification photo and they actually sent a photo with the girl and a piece of paper with her Instagram username and the date on it. Its crazy either the girls work for them or they got really good photo shop skills cause that shit looked real and I have a good eye for fake shit.
Yup, I’ve been talkin to one I met off tinder and she still seems very very real. She has videos and pics all over her account about her being a cam model and wanted me to create an account on her site so I can be authorized and do a show with her lol. As stupid as this sounds I really almost fell for it but when she sent me the link I snapped to my senses and googled this to see if it was legit or a scam. Here’s her info. Instagram - itslaureneee and her account will be on private. If you message her LDTS then she’ll DM you back and start a convo with you and get it started. Be safe guys.
@Qwann#78447 same dude, I pumped the brakes and looked up the only link I could find and that brought me here. She might actually be a model, she might not be but here is her account.
Yeah I had this one girl who said she was from Fayetteville and moved to two towns from me and she had a post saying she was from fayetteville and she seemed really believable. She hit me up and didn’t ask for cash but asked me to join her site. Long story short I googled her site she gave me and found this thread. Her @ is @its_emyjean