Ticketmaster scammers (833)-239-0742

Scam Number: (833)-239-0742
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam: mega triggered!! The guy just kept SCREAMING “Did you MFer!”
They do block, so make the call count if you don’t have a bunch of numbers.


They are RAGING MAD!!

cant complete a call lol

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833-239-0742 Saturday 4-6-24 4:06PM EST


In reference to the post I just made on another thread concerning a number adjacent to this one, this block has been alive with all sorts of scam scripts for several months

I wish I could get this damn only of it’s kind system I developed to spit out actual relevant things for once
I keep getting thousands of things like this meaningless tripe :wink:

8332390725 TicketMaster
8332390729 TicketMaster
8332390730 TicketMaster
8332390734 TicketMaster

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833 239 0730 layla is interested in taking on a large bologna pony, you just have to ask nicely she kind of obnoxious, but she will negotiate a price.

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She answered on every number
These are typically apartment call center operators, with between 1 and usually 4 people answering at any given time

These same clowns have used dozens of numbers and still have many other active right now

If you have any numbers, could you send them my way?

Was able to speak to her on your 0725 and 0730 they are refusing to pick for me any more she must have found me too insulting.

I have more than 400 real Caller ID’s and hundreds of thousands of unused never issued caller ID’s on other systems.
They get different CID’s each time so they never know when technology comes calling on their $2 operations

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Can you please send them to me? I really want to call some of them.

833-239-0742 Still Active 4-8-24 12:51PM EST


833-239-0742 Still Active Monday 4-8-24 3:51PM EST