The Google Sites/Redirect/Webchat/Crypto scam group(s) are scamming Indians too?

Scam Number:
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam:

Trying to dig up more traces of this scam group (or groups?) that I’ve been investigating and posting about recently here and elsewhere, I came across this sad little Xitter spambot:

Now, if you look at their Xeets, you will see links to some of the crypto phishing pages I’ve posted about before. But the most recent one is this:

advertising a google site for real estate in Gurgaon, India

Now I have a strong suspicion that it’s not actually the official site of this building. It links to a typo-domain,

which of course has a web chat widget…

Now I’m pretty sure that the official website for the development is this: ,

which among other things has a different phone number displayed.

Update: confirmation of my hunch, here’s another Xitter spambot posting the same combination of crypto phishing scams, and the same real estate phishing thing for India:

Another related, India-targeting site with the same fingerprints

They do target easy marks! Gamblers, crypto enthusiasts, but I repeat myself.

And Thailand, too!