Thank you for calling cashapp

Scam Number: 8583602636
Domain Used:
Enter cash app customer support.
Leo “the gandu” Garcia
“Maderchoad” Mark
And others…

These guys have a small call center in Delhi
They are running a Cashapp customer support scam. They have a few other websites as well.
Check them often as they will change if there is enough abusing.

They usually like to connect to phones, and their running half decent security on their PCs.


Terry M


new number per their website: 855 206 2384

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Previously this number 8583602636 was used by Spirit Airlines.

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+1 858 360 2636 they changed the number from yesterday


Check the website for the number. It changes often


+1 (855) 206-2384
Active bhai

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+1 (855) 207-9659 Thank you for calling Cashapp

(855) 207- 9659 answered

They always answer. Tell ‘em your pal terry said to call about your accunt :fuelpump:

I am calling them as many times as possible and abuse them… I know it can’t get my money back but still my soul feels peace.


Bump for new number.
+1 (800) 948-1652

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cash app and airlines scam

number is :skull_and_crossbones:

Weekend off maybe.
Here’s an alternative Cashapp center.
1 (808) 482-5891

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1 (858) 682 4346 is live
Let’s get it shut down so they have to put up a new one

New number ladies and gents
AnyDesk on the phone is what they want
You decide what they get!
+1 (855) 366-8894

Another day another Cashapp number

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858-519-9685 MaleChode Saturday 11-19-22 1:44PM EST

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They are too shook to say Cashapp anymore