SCAMMER: Steam Community :: RexTo
Scammer will send random friend requests to users on Steam. Once accepted, they will ask if you would be willing to sell your Team Fortress 2 items. In my case, the items he wanted were my Non-Craftable Specialized Killstreak Iron Curtain Kit, Skullcracker taunt, Strange Provisions Cap and Strange Starboard Crusader, which were all worth a total of 7.41 keys or $13, so I told them that I would sell them all for 8 keys flat.
They will then ask where you got the items, which in my case was the Steam Commuinity Market, and then ask if those items were marketable on, which they use to resell due to a fear of losing profit.
The scammer will then ask if you are dustin#4556 on Discord before sending you a friend request from their account, Aphakia#9478 (UID: 958586734864658462).
He will then claim via Discord that this “Dustin” impersonated your account to steal $600 worth of items before blocking his account. This prompted him to file an “accusation” against your account, urging you to contact Sara Charhon#3537 (UID: 959915676913516595) via Discord to revoke your “pending ban.”
Once “Sara” accepted my friend request, she asked for a link to my Steam profile to check my “account status” before claiming I am on their “banning watch list”

I was then prompted to make an “appeal” by taking a screenshot of my recent transactions. In response, I sent her a Grabify link to that they refused to click.