Text Plus Reporting Thread

Another carrier thread and this time, we have Text Plus Inc. Like Text Now, Text Plus is a free alternative/cheap alternative that scammers have begun to abuse for both call back numbers and for hosting their primary scam numbers. This is due to Text Now cracking down hard on fraud and taking abuse reports seriously.

I’ve personally emailed Text Plus’s abuse department and have been told twice that they suspended 2 scammer accounts after sending them a detailed report that includes timestamps, timezones, screenshots, a recording of the scammer introducing himself as “Coinbase” and trying to run the scam, the numbers that called me as well as my number only for me to call back the 2 numbers and realize that they are still up. I start this thread with these 2 numbers…

(Coinbase technical support scam)

Please post/share any Text Plus numbers you may encounter on this thread. Help us spread the word when it comes incompetent/lying VoIP carriers.

My experience with Text Plus can be seen here:

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805-426-9852 Wednesday 8-30-23 5:07AM EST

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Earlier on 814-708-4488

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I’ll keep hammering throughout the day if I remember.


I have sent out a series of reports on those two numbers.

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I’ve had text plus before. Called my number and it just shows up as a missed call, never rings. So I guess they just use that as a CB#

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I’ve experienced this with Text+ too. One case, they said they had “suspended the number and put the number on a cooldown” 4 TIMES before it the number stopped routing to impersonators.

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I got this for both numbers within 15 minutes of the report. Saul’s Good-Man!
I have called to confirm before putting my foot in my mouth this time lol. Both Numbers are zapped. LOL :joy:

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the scammers could be resetting their passwords and using the accounts again. That’s been seen with Textnow accounts but they since fixed that glitch. If you have any troubles feel free to message Me and My inbox anytime.