Tesla and Elon crypto scammers targeting YouTubers help flag down these scammers if you see them or their websites! Use keywords such as ( Tesla, Elon, crypto, BTC, ) be sure to set filters on ( live ). They are also using QR codes that link to their scam websites . Many of the sites have chats to speak to the scammers if they close chat it can be reopened by changing IP… Use caution of course with these sites. I have site addresses etc… however not sure if I am able or allowed to post them here ? . Happy Hunting… Let’s shut them down!
Nice work everyone 46+ scam live streams on June 30th have been taken out and terminated from YouTube. Let’s hope YouTube gets all these stolen channels back to the owners now that they are down. Now it’s Monday July 1st.
It’s bound to get busy the scammers are pissed yaaahoooo. Let’s keep on shutting them down. I guess everyone can follow this thread for updates and changes.